Men: L, 62.5-102.5; Women: W, 96-90

Men: L, 62.5-102.5; Women: W, 96-90

Licensed to Univ. of Missouri Aq. Center - Site License                                       Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 11/4/2006 10:26 AM                Dual Meet Challenge - Friday Meet 1 - 11/3/2006                                    Results

Event 1 Women 200 Yard Freestyle Relay=============================================================================== School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 University of Missouri ‘A’ NT 1:35.58 1) Hogan, Shannon 2) Patterson, Taye r:0.23 3) Halvorson, Lori r:0.14 4) Gates, Katie r:0.32 79 23.97 23.95 23.78 23.88 2 Southern Illinois University ‘A’ 1:36.28 1:35.72 1) Madeira, Isabel 2) Mattsson, Therese r:0.49 3) Quarry, Danielle r:0.12 4) Ju, Julie r:-0.16 70 24.59 23.73 24.64 22.76 3 University of Iowa ‘A’ NT 1:37.56 1) deBruin, Julie 2) Haeger, Emmy J 23 r:0.14 3) Samples, Robin M 21 r:0.20 4) Petty, Erin r:0.53 68 24.65 23.97 24.35 24.59 4 University of Missouri ‘B’ NT 1:39.62 1) Bennett, Allie 2) Jacinto, Arica r:0.35 3) Menefee, Sarah r:0.23 4) Gordon, Colleen r:0.52 24.90 25.17 24.50 25.05 5 University of Missouri ‘C’ NT x1:41.70 1) Viger, Kristin 2) Bollen, Molly r:0.32 3) Granger, Jill r:0.23 4) Wender, Rachel r:0.26 74 25.53 25.74 24.75 25.68 6 University of Iowa ‘B’ NT 1:41.91 1) Gschwend, Alison L 19 2) Leigh, Hillary I 18 r:+0.0 3) Swedlund, Lexi M 18 r:0.47 4) Wex, Nicki L 19 r:0.50 24.83 24.63 26.13 26.32

Event 2 Men 200 Yard Freestyle Relay=============================================================================== School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Southern Illinois University ‘A’ 1:23.72 1:22.99 1) Ackerman, Stephan 23 2) Waked, Vinicius r:0.19 3) McGee, Gareth r:0.13 4) Hedo, Dennis r:0.04 70 21.13 20.85 20.73 20.28 2 University of Missouri ‘A’ NT 1:23.77 1) Clark, Bennett 2) Zasadny, Alex r:0.27 3) Kaufman, Gilad r:0.11 4) Floyd, Travis r:0.21 74 20.45 21.16 21.01 21.15 3 University of Missouri ‘B’ NT 1:26.65 1) Johnson, Cameron 2) Wiedemeier, Joe r:0.21 3) Difford, Bryan r:0.15 4) Smith, Eric r:0.26 80 22.33 21.38 21.06 21.88 4 University of Iowa ‘A’ NT 1:28.20 1) Dragon, James M 20 2) Moore, Jake R 19 r:0.26 3) Keeling, Nate F 20 r:0.26 4) Tweedy, Seth A 23 r:0.28 73 22.07 21.92 22.09 22.12 5 University of Missouri ‘C’ NT x1:28.68 1) Burns, Matt 2) Zabel, Nate r:0.24 3) Carlisle, Byron r:0.19 4) Howard, Lex r:0.13 70 22.75 22.42 21.90 21.61

Event 3 Women 200 Yard Freestyle=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Madeira, Isabel Southern IL 1:53.94 1:53.15 8 26.31 28.37 29.25 29.22 2 Sullivan, Carly Mizzou NT 1:53.68 26.98 28.72 29.24 28.74 3 Dvorak, Kelly Southern IL 1:57.42 1:54.10 5 26.62 28.93 29.64 28.91 4 Cox, Lauren Mizzou NT 1:54.86 3 27.20 29.14 29.34 29.18 5 Bellis, Caroline Mizzou NT 1:54.89 7 27.34 28.68 29.34 29.53 6 David, Kirsten Mizzou NT x1:55.83 3 27.42 29.14 29.49 29.78 7 Dell, Ashley W 19 Iowa NT 1:56.36 8 27.72 29.26 29.78 29.60 8 Hoefler, Emily A 19 Iowa NT 1:56.81 4 27.42 29.86 29.83 29.70 9 Chamberlin, Margie M 18 Iowa NT 1:58.48 3 27.17 29.66 30.95 30.70 10 Kramer, Keli Southern IL 1:59.09 2:00.44 27.68 30.06 31.18 31.52 11 Mullendore, Karin Southern IL 2:03.54 x2:03.12 3 28.35 30.99 32.15 31.63

Event 4 Men 200 Yard Freestyle=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Waked, Vinicius Southern IL 1:39.67 1:39.13 4 23.77 25.33 24.99 25.04 2 Santoro, Antonio Southern IL 1:41.08 1:40.38 8 23.91 25.46 25.43 25.58 3 Lynn, Dylan Mizzou NT 1:40.85 8 23.81 25.75 25.37 25.92 4 Dahlke, Matt Mizzou NT 1:42.11 1 24.48 25.79 26.27 25.57 5 Hubbard, Brad Mizzou NT 1:42.54 2 24.75 26.57 25.89 25.33 6 Lee, Brandon Mizzou NT x1:44.63 2 24.90 27.20 26.33 26.20 7 Divan, Nick J 19 Iowa NT 1:44.84 5 24.55 26.39 26.84 27.06 8 Whaley, Wil R 18 Iowa NT 1:46.00 24.57 26.39 27.47 27.57 9 Zgomba, Ivan Southern IL 1:48.44 1:46.64 7 24.75 27.37 26.80 27.72 10 Miner, Andy W 20 Iowa NT 1:47.18 4 25.06 27.45 27.69 26.98 11 Tweedy, Seth A 23 Iowa NT x1:47.84 5 25.24 27.48 27.76 27.36 12 Sophie, Ray Southern IL NT x1:50.05 7 25.42 27.92 28.36 28.35

Event 5 Women 200 Yard IM=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Halvorson, Lori Mizzou NT 2:06.29 2 28.00 31.55 38.24 28.50 2 Charley, Amy Mizzou NT 2:06.55 0 28.25 31.60 37.13 29.57 3 Granger, Jill Mizzou NT 2:07.30 6 28.31 32.67 37.75 28.57 4 Feingold, Julie A 19 Iowa NT 2:09.40 28.22 33.86 36.90 30.42 5 Bunford, Nora Southern IL 2:13.60 2:10.53 8 28.15 34.34 36.51 31.53 6 Quarry, Danielle Southern IL 2:11.50 2:11.13 28.71 32.59 39.65 30.18 7 Petty, Erin Iowa NT 2:11.69 0 28.41 34.59 39.15 29.54 8 Blank, Abby Southern IL 2:14.27 2:12.13 28.28 34.03 38.55 31.27 9 Mozdzen, Laura C 18 Iowa NT 2:12.92 4 27.91 33.55 41.03 30.43 10 Dell, Ashley W 19 Iowa NT x2:13.50 5 29.72 34.06 39.56 30.16 11 Jaquez, Lisa Southern IL NT x2:16.39 3 29.07 34.19 42.27 30.86

Event 6 Men 200 Yard IM=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 McGee, Gareth Southern IL 1:53.27 1:51.57 1 24.63 28.11 33.42 25.41 2 Difford, Bryan Mizzou NT 1:54.27 1 24.84 29.48 32.99 26.96 3 Grunert, Brice Mizzou NT 1:55.36 3 24.78 29.95 34.13 26.50 4 Cernansky, Martin Mizzou NT 1:55.66 9 24.79 31.06 31.75 28.06 5 Silkaitis, Tim Southern IL 1:57.47 1:56.01 8 25.07 28.42 35.44 27.08 6 Divan, Nick J 19 Iowa NT 1:56.36 4 25.75 29.89 33.68 27.04 7 Harris, Ted Mizzou NT x1:57.28 9 25.42 31.11 33.57 27.18 8 Agache, Dragos M 22 Iowa NT 1:59.11 4 25.54 31.01 32.91 29.65 9 Dragon, James M 20 Iowa NT 1:59.27 8 24.73 31.18 35.44 27.92 10 Kuper, Jameson Southern IL 2:02.83 1:59.82 9 26.14 31.33 34.33 28.02

Event 7 Women 50 Yard Freestyle=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Ju, Julie Southern IL 23.98 23.64 :+0.82 2 Hogan, Shannon Mizzou NT 23.88 :+0.78 3 Mattsson, Therese Southern IL 24.39 24.15 :+0.82 4 Kuczek, Christine B 18 Iowa NT 24.23 :+0.74 5 Gates, Katie Mizzou NT 24.38 :+0.72 6 Samples, Robin M 21 Iowa NT 24.61 :+0.78 7 deBruin, Julie Iowa NT 24.63 :+0.66 8 Gasparovich, Tovah Southern IL 25.14 24.72 :+0.70 9 Bennett, Allie Mizzou NT 24.85 :+0.81 10 Bollen, Molly Mizzou NT x25.80 11 Schulte, Mindy C 20 Iowa NT x25.91 12 Flores, Gabriela Southern IL 26.54 x26.38 :+0.79

Event 8 Men 50 Yard Freestyle=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Clark, Bennett Mizzou NT 20.58 :+0.75 2 Hedo, Dennis Southern IL 21.01 21.04 :+0.76 3 Ackerman, Stephan 23 Southern IL 20.86 21.13 :+0.70 4 Wiedemeier, Joe Mizzou NT 21.81 :+0.74 5 Sullivan, Pat Southern IL 22.32 21.90 :+0.69 6 Howard, Lex Mizzou NT 22.00 :+0.73 7 Gasparovich, Case Southern IL 22.20 x22.22 :+0.74 8 Johnson, Cameron Mizzou NT x22.34 :+0.76 9 Keeling, Nate F 20 Iowa NT 22.36 :+0.76 10 Moore, Jake R 19 Iowa NT 22.43 :+0.75 11 Farris, Brian S 18 Iowa NT 22.84 :+0.68

Event 9 Women 100 Yard Backstroke=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Patterson, Taye Mizzou NT 56.82 6 27.75 29.07 2 Dvorak, Kelly Southern IL 59.15 57.23 0 27.94 29.29 3 Menefee, Sarah Mizzou NT 58.94 9 28.83 30.11 4 Gschwend, Alison L 19 Iowa NT 59.23 6 28.95 30.28 5 Wex, Nicki L 19 Iowa NT 59.91 6 29.25 30.66 6 Leigh, Hillary I 18 Iowa NT 1:01.22 0 29.64 31.58 7 Quarry, Danielle Southern IL 1:01.45 1:01.33 6 29.83 31.50 8 Wender, Rachel Mizzou NT 1:01.63 1 30.71 30.92 9 Schwartz, Leah F 19 Iowa NT x1:02.13 2 30.58 31.55 10 Viger, Kristin Mizzou NT x1:03.08 1 30.29 32.79 11 Navistsky, Liz 21 Southern IL 1:05.11 1:04.15 2 31.17 32.98

Event 10 Men 100 Yard Backstroke=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Floyd, Travis Mizzou NT 50.70 7 24.25 26.45 2 Marrucho, Alex Southern IL 51.88 51.86 6 25.05 26.81 3 Wilson, Joe Mizzou NT 52.20 4 25.50 26.70 4 Hoffmann, Jake Mizzou NT 52.48 9 25.47 27.01 5 Carlisle, Byron Mizzou NT x52.80 1 26.00 26.80 6 McGee, Gareth Southern IL 51.80 52.82 6 25.78 27.04 7 Whaley, Wil R 18 Iowa NT 52.98 4 26.06 26.92 8 Lenert, Andrej Iowa NT 53.66 2 26.18 27.48 9 Silkaitis, Tim Southern IL 53.65 56.10 0 27.26 28.84 10 Verink, Tyler S 18 Iowa NT 58.38 9 28.20 30.18

Event 11 Women 100 Yard Breaststroke=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Ju, Julie Southern IL NT 1:03.34 4 29.74 33.60 2 Bastien, Jill Mizzou NT 1:05.04 1 31.03 34.01 3 Haeger, Emmy J 23 Iowa NT 1:05.63 5 30.90 34.73 4 Bowcutt, Kayla Mizzou NT 1:05.69 7 31.13 34.56 5 Feingold, Julie A 19 Iowa NT 1:05.77 31.18 34.59 6 Yeager, Erin Mizzou NT 1:06.32 6 31.52 34.80 7 Bunford, Nora Southern IL 1:08.22 1:07.34 7 31.56 35.78 8 Swedlund, Lexi M 18 Iowa NT 1:09.44 0 32.29 37.15 9 Kramer, Keli Southern IL 1:13.49 1:10.19 33.40 36.79 10 Johns, Stacia L 18 Iowa NT x1:10.25 1 33.17 37.08 11 Hukill, Aimee Mizzou NT x1:10.77 3 33.56 37.21

Event 12 Men 100 Yard Breaststroke=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Agache, Dragos M 22 Iowa NT 56.81 4 26.94 29.87 2 Cernansky, Martin Mizzou NT 57.80 8 27.30 30.50 3 Divan, Paul E 20 Iowa NT 58.33 3 27.29 31.04 4 Capps, Kevin Mizzou NT 58.82 7 27.66 31.16 5 Harris, Ted Mizzou NT 59.57 1 28.04 31.53 6 Zabel, Nate Mizzou NT x59.82 0 27.93 31.89 7 Ryan, Matt J 18 Iowa NT 59.84 3 28.37 31.47 8 Kuper, Jameson Southern IL 1:01.78 1:00.28 7 28.39 31.89 9 Gaffney, Christopher Southern IL 1:03.78 1:01.83 1 28.83 33.00

Event 13 Women 100 Yard Butterfly=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Chamberlin, Margie M 18 Iowa NT 57.75 0 27.36 30.39 1 Jacinto, Arica Mizzou NT 57.75 4 27.31 30.44 3 Mozdzen, Laura C 18 Iowa NT 58.03 4 27.21 30.82 4 Baumann, Coralie Mizzou NT 58.34 27.48 30.86 5 Michelau, Kathryn G 18 Iowa NT 59.23 1 28.16 31.07 6 Dvorak, Samantha Southern IL 1:00.58 59.52 1 28.02 31.50 7 Fernandez, Kasey Southern IL 1:00.96 59.80 27.82 31.98 8 Blank, Abby Southern IL 1:00.15 59.86 28.31 31.55 9 Winius, Rachel Southern IL 1:01.28 x1:00.90 7 28.19 32.71

Event 14 Men 100 Yard Butterfly=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Ackerman, Stephan 23 Southern IL NT 49.78 1 23.02 26.76 2 Zasadny, Alex Mizzou NT 50.33 9 23.53 26.80 3 Kaufman, Gilad Mizzou NT 50.65 3 23.65 27.00 4 Santoro, Antonio Southern IL 51.96 50.76 9 24.11 26.65 5 Sellers, Justin Mizzou NT 52.22 4 24.47 27.75 6 Smith, Eric Mizzou NT x52.40 5 24.41 27.99 7 Dragon, James M 20 Iowa NT 52.58 7 24.60 27.98 8 Zgomba, Ivan Southern IL 53.71 53.16 5 24.81 28.35 9 Keeling, Nate F 20 Iowa NT 53.18 8 24.39 28.79 10 Schubert, Josh M 19 Iowa NT 53.84 1 25.13 28.71 11 Sophie, Ray Southern IL 59.92 x56.61 8 26.22 30.39

Event 15 Women 100 Yard Freestyle=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Cox, Lauren Mizzou NT 52.36 1 25.47 26.89 2 Kuczek, Christine B 18 Iowa NT 52.49 2 25.40 27.09 3 Mattsson, Therese Southern IL 52.48 52.65 25.54 27.11 4 Gordon, Colleen Mizzou NT 52.68 9 25.89 26.79 5 Madeira, Isabel Southern IL 52.38 52.91 1 25.72 27.19 6 Granger, Jill Mizzou NT 53.84 4 26.42 27.42 7 Samples, Robin M 21 Iowa NT 53.94 7 26.32 27.62 8 deBruin, Julie Iowa NT 54.39 8 26.37 28.02 8 Sullivan, Carly Mizzou NT x54.39 26.29 28.10 10 Gasparovich, Tovah Southern IL 54.60 54.51 7 26.36 28.15 11 Hoefler, Emily A 19 Iowa NT x54.76 26.32 28.44 12 Mullendore, Karin Southern IL 57.83 x55.53 9 27.00 28.53

Event 16 Men 100 Yard Freestyle=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Clark, Bennett Mizzou NT 45.06 3 21.95 23.11 2 Hedo, Dennis Southern IL 45.78 45.55 0 22.38 23.17 3 Waked, Vinicius Southern IL 46.53 46.40 1 22.57 23.83 4 Lynn, Dylan Mizzou NT 46.62 8 22.45 24.17 5 Dahlke, Matt Mizzou NT 47.00 2 23.01 23.99 6 Hubbard, Brad Mizzou NT x47.60 1 23.47 24.13 7 Tweedy, Seth A 23 Iowa NT 48.28 2 23.15 25.13 8 Sullivan, Pat Southern IL 49.44 48.60 4 22.74 25.86 8 Farris, Brian S 18 Iowa NT 48.60 9 23.84 24.76 10 Dragon, James M 20 Iowa NT 48.88 23.00 25.88 11 Gasparovich, Case Southern IL 49.94 x49.26 8 22.84 26.42 12 Moore, Jake R 19 Iowa NT x49.74 1 23.64 26.10

Event 17 Women 400 Yard Medley Relay=============================================================================== School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 University of Missouri ‘B’ NT 3:51.46 1) 2) r:0.22 3) r:0.56 4) r:0.23 67 28.01 56.96 30.53 1:04.66 27.11 58.33 24.83 51.51 2 University of Iowa ‘A’ NT 3:52.59 1) Gschwend, Alison L 19 2) Haeger, Emmy J 23 r:0.33 3) Wex, Nicki L 19 r:0.48 4) Feingold, Julie A 19 r:0.35 64 28.61 58.25 29.86 1:04.34 26.87 57.69 24.91 52.31 3 University of Iowa ‘B’ NT 3:57.05 1) 2) r:0.16 3) r:0.26 4) r:0.35 67 29.52 1:00.08 30.78 1:06.00 26.72 57.72 25.25 53.25 4 Southern Illinois University ‘A’ 3:57.66 3:58.54 1) Dvorak, Kelly 2) Bunford, Nora r:+0.0 3) Blank, Abby r:0.40 4) Gasparovich, Tovah r:0.07 60 28.11 58.01 30.78 1:07.03 27.69 59.39 25.23 54.11 5 University of Missouri ‘C’ NT 3:59.43 1) 2) r:0.17 3) r:0.52 4) r:0.35 50 29.03 59.29 31.47 1:06.91 27.57 59.06 25.98 54.17 6 Southern Illinois University ‘B’ NT 4:13.48 1) Dvorak, Samantha 2) Winius, Rachel r:0.17 3) Fernandez, Kasey r:0.14 4) Flores, Gabriela r:0.17 59 31.13 1:03.54 33.87 1:12.43 27.40 1:00.18 26.88 57.33

Event 18 Men 400 Yard Medley Relay=============================================================================== School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 University of Missouri ‘A’ 0.15 3:24.92 1) Floyd, Travis 2) Cernansky, Martin r:0.23 3) Zasadny, Alex r:0.27 4) Lynn, Dylan r:0.37 57 24.55 50.70 26.89 57.67 23.68 50.29 22.09 46.26 2 University of Missouri ‘B’ NT 3:27.86 1) Hoffmann, Jake 2) Capps, Kevin r:0.17 3) Kaufman, Gilad r:0.03 4) Dahlke, Matt r:0.17 63 25.84 53.10 26.97 58.35 22.92 50.10 15.48 46.31 3 University of Iowa ‘B’ NT 3:30.02 1) Lenert, Andrej 2) Divan, Paul E 20 r:0.29 3) Schubert, Josh M 19 r:0.20 4) Divan, Nick J 19 r:0.43 63 26.05 53.17 26.39 56.48 23.89 52.41 23.16 47.96 4 University of Missouri ‘C’ NT x3:33.04 1) Wilson, Joe 2) Lee, Brandon r:0.24 3) Grunert, Brice r:0.22 4) Burns, Matt r:0.33 63 25.56 52.11 27.81 59.91 23.98 51.97 23.13 49.05 5 University of Missouri ‘D’ NT x3:33.95 1) Carlisle, Byron 2) Zabel, Nate r:0.30 3) Smith, Eric r:0.07 4) Wiedemeier, Joe r:0.10 45 26.03 53.09 27.17 59.96 24.08 52.44 23.09 48.46 6 University of Iowa ‘A’ NT 3:36.40 1) Whaley, Wil R 18 2) Agache, Dragos M 22 r:0.21 3) Dragon, James M 20 r:0.43 4) Farris, Brian S 18 r:0.28 60 26.53 54.04 27.77 59.96 24.94 54.11 23.24 48.29 7 Southern Illinois University ‘B’ NT 3:39.98 1) Silkaitis, Tim 2) Gaffney, Christopher r:0.17 3) Zgomba, Ivan r:0.09 4) Sullivan, Pat r:0.28 58 25.48 52.50 28.69 1:02.07 25.56 56.24 22.89 49.17 — Southern Illinois University ‘A’ 3:33.46 DQ 1) Marrucho, Alex 2) Kuper, Jameson r:0.31 3) Santoro, Antonio r:-0.01 4) Gasparovich, Case r:0.10 55 25.44 51.56 27.47 59.99 23.66 51.65 22.10 46.45

Event 19 Women 1 mtr Diving=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== 1 Massaro, Kim Mizzou NT 247.80 2 Curtuneanu, Cristina Southern IL NT 242.85 3 Melnychuk, Kendra Mizzou NT 230.40 4 Freeman, Deidre Iowa NT 214.80 5 Quenette, Laura Mizzou NT 214.40 6 Gable, Emily Southern IL NT 214.00 7 Sievertsen, Meghan A 19 Iowa NT 207.15 8 Moylan, Aimee E 20 Iowa NT 192.15 9 Nemmers, Nicole C 21 Iowa NT x156.05

Event 20 Men 3 mtr Diving=============================================================================== Name Age School Seed Finals Points=============================================================================== — DeLashmutt, Drew J 20 Iowa NT x — Van Dykheizen, Frank Iowa NT x — DeStephen, Greg Mizzou NT x — Gilligan, Michael Iowa NT x — Webb, Nate Iowa NT x — Carevic, Kyle Southern IL NT x — Flor, Andrew Southern IL NT x — Palacios, Ben Southern IL NT x — Boyko, David Mizzou NT x — Meeker, Ryan Mizzou NT x

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