Quiet The Crowd

Quiet The Crowd

Dec. 4, 2006

What reality show would you be on and how would you fare? The Amazing Race; free trip around the world and I think I would fare pretty well.

Where is the best place to find you on campus? I’d have to say either Starbucks or Java House, college has turned me into a coffee junkie!

If you were President for a day, what would you do? Considering I couldn’t get any laws passed in a day I think I’d take my friends for a trip in Air Force One.

What is your dream job (other than pro golfer)? As of now I’m trying to get into the Business School here and would like to get into the accounting program..but as we all know college students change their minds on a daily basis so we’ll see.

If you were on the game show, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, whowould you choose for your lifeline and why? My mom, shes always knows the answers and how to help me out!

What’s your favorite thing about being a Hawkeye? I love how school spirited the University of Iowa is.

Are there any hidden talents you have that people don’t know about? Not that I can think of.

What’s in your refrigerator if we open it up right now? Sweet Tea of course! And lots of frozen pizza, what else would anyone need to survive?!

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? There isn’t one place I could choose. I love to travel and want to see the world, but for now I’m happy to be in Iowa City!

What CD, tape or movie in your collection would you consider to be themost embarrassing? It really hurts to say it but I defiantly have the old Backstreet Boys CDs.