Hawk Talk Monthly: The First Page

Hawk Talk Monthly: The First Page

Aug. 30, 2012

Editor’s Note: The UI Athletics Department introduced a new online publication this morning. Hawk Talk Monthly presented by Transamerica will dig a little deeper and provide a little more color — think photography — for fans of the Hawkeyes than Hawk Talk Daily, which will continue to be delivered to more than 80,000 black-and-gold email boxes every day of the year. Below is the start of UI Director of Athletics Gary Barta’s contribution to the debut edition of HTM. The August 2012 edition of HTM also includes a feature on Iowa’s new offensive and defensive coordinator, a “Random Thought” by Rick Klatt, the UI’s associate athletics director for external relations, a piece written by Zach McCabe of Fran McCaffery’s UI men’s basketball team, and much more including some tremendous and exclusive photography. To go directly to Hawk Talk Monthly, click HERE.

I was reading on hawkeyesports.com a few weeks back a story that invited fans of the football Hawkeyes to get to know our new offensive coordinator Greg Davis a little better. He was the latest member of Kirk’s staff to be profiled in the “Coach Speak” video series.

What I found interesting — and agreed with wholeheartedly — was the characterization of Greg being an extremely experienced “teacher” as much as an extremely accomplished “coach.”

Coaches are, in fact, teachers. At the University of Iowa, our head coaches, assistant coaches, and graduate assistant coaches are charged with the responsibility of teaching the X’s and O’s, the techniques, the details of their particular sport. At the UI, we also have an expectation that they will teach what it means to successfully compete in the classroom at a Big Ten Conference institution and to complement the efforts of our faculty in ways that provide our student-athletes the best opportunity to achieve at the highest possible level academically.

To read the remainder of “THE FIRST PAGE,” click HERE.