Aug. 31, 2012
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IOWA CITY, Iowa — The National Iowa Varsity Club and the University of Iowa Athletics Department will induct five former University of Iowa student-athletes into the National Iowa Varsity Club Athletics Hall of Fame on Sept. 14, 2012 (the night prior to the Iowa versus Northern Iowa football game). The Varsity Club will also present the Letterwinner of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards, as well as introducing an honorary letterwinner.
Jim Craig (wrestling, 1957-59), Bill Frazier (cross country, 1961-62; track and field, 1962-63, 65), Royce Alger (wrestling, 1985-88), Liz Tchou (field hockey, 1984-87), and Bashir Yamini (track and field, 1996-99; football 1998-99) represent Iowa’s 24th Hall of Fame class.
The five inductees were selected by a vote of all dues-paying members of the National Iowa Varsity Club. All former Hawkeye student-athletes who have won at least one major letter are eligible for the UI Athletics Hall of Fame. Student-athletes must have completed their eligibility at least 10 years and coaches/administrators at least five years prior to their selection.
Orville Townsend (football, 1965; fencing, 1964-66) will be presented the Letterwinner of the Year Award, and Steve Wilkinson (tennis, 1961-63) will be honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award. The Varsity Club will also recognize John Raffensperger as an honorary letterwinner.
The Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony banquet/dinner will be held Sept. 14, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. inside the Coral Ballroom at the Coralville Marriott Hotel and Convention Center. A reception will precede the dinner beginning at 5:30 p.m.
The Hall of Fame program is open to the public. Tickets may be purchased for $35 by sending your name and check to the National Iowa Varsity Club, ATTN: HoF Banquet, University of Iowa, N409 CHA, Iowa City, IA, 52242 by Friday, September 7th. For more information please call the Varsity Club office at (319) 335-9438.