Spring Co-Ed Stunt Clinic Set for Feb. 23

Spring Co-Ed Stunt Clinic Set for Feb. 23

Jan. 23, 2014

IOWA CITY, Iowa — The University of Iowa spirit squad will host a Spring Co-Ed Stunt Clinic on Sunday, Feb. 23 from 12:30-3:30 p.m. in the UI Field House North Gym.

Participants will work on co-ed collegiate level stunting, tumbling, motion technique and learn about the collegiate tryout process. Individuals will stunt with current team members and have an opportunity to ask questions to the UI coaching staff.

Click HERE to access the Spring Co-Ed Stunt Clinic flier and HERE for the registration/waiver form.

Registrations are due by Feb. 17, 2014, and the cost is $40 per person.

Be sure to follow the Iowa cheerleading team on Facebook and Twitter.