Herky 'Does it Right'

Herky 'Does it Right'


Sept. 13, 2014

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    IOWA CITY, Iowa — — The public auction Friday night of a select number of statues of Herky which were on display during the spring and summer in the greater University of Iowa community generated more than $110,000 of revenue which will be donated to the United Way of Johnson County and Washington County.

    “We couldn’t be more delighted. Herky was a big hit all spring and summer, and was a big hit again last night among the bidders,” said Josh Schamberger of the Iowa City Coralville Convention and Visitors Bureau, the driving force behind Herky on Parade, the largest public art project staged in the history of the state of Iowa.


    “Herky on Parade is another example of the “Do it Right” piece of our “Win. Graduate. Do it Right.” program of the intercollegiate athletics program of the University of Iowa. In this case, “Doing it Right” means giving back to our community. Herky on Parade certainly did that 10 years ago when we did our first Parade, and it did so again this year,” said Dale Arens, the UI’s director of licensing and one of the many staff of the UI Athletics Department that contributed their time and talent to the project.

    “Herky on Parade is another example of the “Do it Right” piece of our “Win. Graduate. Do it Right.” program of the intercollegiate athletics program of the University of Iowa. In this case, “Doing it Right” means giving back to our community. Herky on Parade certainly did that 10 years ago when we did our first Parade, and it did so again this year.”

    Herky on Parade took to the streets the first Monday in May when 84 uniquely designed statues of the official mascot of the University of Iowa and the Iowa Hawkeyes were unveiled in locations in Iowa City, Coralville, North Liberty, and on the University of Iowa campus. They made their final public appearance at the annual FRYfest event – another event staged by the Iowa Coralville Convention and Visitors Bureau with the UI Athletics Department.

    “The Iowa Hawkeyes have a long list of great friends and great partners, and very high on that list is the leadership of the Iowa City Corvalville CVB. They are creative, energetic, and enthusiastic fans of the Hawkeyes and our community,” said Rick Klatt, the UI’s associate athletics director for external relations, who noted that the Parade helped the UI Athletics Department gain awareness of the celebrations of 125 Years of Iowa Football and the 75th anniversary of the UI’s historic “Ironmen.”

    Many of the Herky’s that were recently on display have already re-appeared for the enjoyment of vistors to the greater Iowa City area, including Graduation Herky, which was sponsored by UI President Sally Mason and Marching Band Herky, which is located near the Hawkeye Marching Band’s new practice facility on the Hawkeye Campus west of Finkbine Golf Course.

    For more information about Herky on Parade, visit the official web site HERE.

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