Promotional Materials
The University of Iowa Athletic Department creates various promotional materials that are available to fans at no cost. This includes, but is not limited to, posters and schedule cards.
Fans can retrieve posters and schedule cards from the main lobby of Carver-Hawkeye Arena (North Doors) Monday-Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Posters and schedule cards will also be available at home athletic events. Supplies are limited. Some items may not be offered for every sport.
For Hawkeye fans who cannot attend home athletic events, or visit Carver-Hawkeye Arena’s north lobby, promotional materials can be requested. Requests should be made during the competition schedule. Materials are limited and are based on a first-come, first-serve basis. Requests must adhere to the guidelines listed below. Failure to do so, will result in the request not being fulfilled:
For Posters:
- Purchase a USPS-approved mailing tube (must be at least 18″ long) for poster requests
- At the post office, pay for shipping to the Iowa Athletic Department, plus a return postage sticker (Return postage is required. Failure to include return postage will result in items not being mailed)
- Insert return postage with (1) your return address and (2) prepaid postage into the tube. These will be used to mail the tube back to you.
- Insert a slip of paper indicating which materials you are requesting and which sport(s).
- For example, 2 football posters
- Poster requests can only be accepted during the appropriate sports season. If requested posters are not available, requests cannot be fulfilled.
- Mail tube to this address:
University of Iowa Athletics
S300 Carver-Hawkeye Arena
Iowa City, IA 52242-1020
For Schedule Cards:
- Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope, and include a note that indicates what materials you desire and to which sport(s):
University of Iowa Athletics
S300 Carver-Hawkeye Arena
Iowa City, IA 52242-1020
Requests must adhere to the guidelines listed above. Failure to do so, will result in the request not being fulfilled.