May 3, 2004
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Herky on Parade is a public art project that is a flagship program of the University of Iowa’s celebration on the 75th anniversary of historic Kinnick Stadium, the home of the UI’s football program. Kinnick will undergo a multi-million dollar renovation over the next two years.
Odds and ends about Herky on Parade and the Herky…
Herky on Parade is a joint effort of the UI Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, the cities of Iowa City, Coralville and University Heights, and the Iowa City/Coralville Convention and Visitors Bureau.
The public art program is designed after the very successful Cows on Parade program in Chicago and the Overalls All Over program in Cedar Rapids. In addition to generating tourism in the Iowa City/Coralville community, Herky on Parade is a flagship program of the University of Iowa’s celebration of the 75th anniversary of Kinnick Stadium and the coming renovation of that historic home of the UI’s varsity football program.
Finished Herkys weigh roughly 2,300 pounds and stand approximately 7-feet tall. The all are weatherproofed compliments of Kahler Collision Center in Coralville.
Finished Herkys nested inside storage space of the Iowa Children’s Museum at Coral Ridge Mall since March. The location was also used as a studio by many of the artists commissioned to decorate Herkys.
Jeff Weideman, the artist of Shine On Herky (National I-Club/Highway 6 and Mormon Trek) covered his Herky from beak to claw (head to toe) when covering his Herky.
Sara Slee Brown was responsible for four Herkys: Elvis Herky (UI Department of Intercollegiate Athletics/ Hall of Fame), Harry Carey Herky (Slugger’s Neighborhood Grill/303 2nd Street, Coralville), Hayden Herky (Iowa City Ready Mix/Coral Ridge Mall) and Olympic Herky (Iowa City Public Library/College and Dubuque Streets).
Four Seasons of Herky (US Cellular/Eastdale Plaza) was decorated by former University of Iowa football student-athlete Jason Soliday, who is today a school teacher in Des Moines.
Sharon Burns Knutson, artist of Iowa Landscape Herky (Pearson/Gilbert Street and US Highway 6), invested more than 120 hours into her contribution to Herky on Parade.
Derek Blair and Paul McCoy – two 10th grade students from Southern Cal High School in Lake City, Iowa, Calhoun County (Cal) were the artists behind Herky Gone Racin’ (UI Department of Intercollegiate Athletics/Gerdin Athletic Learning Center).
Speaking of young, aspiring artists, Herky on Parade had several including students from Southeast Junior High School (Little Herky/1st Avenue and Bradford Street and Space Herky/Mall Drive and 1st Avenue), Northwest Junior High School (Farmer Herky/12th Avenue and Fifth Street), Regina High School (Herky Balboa/12th Avenue and Highway 6), West High School (Iowa Roots Are Strong Herky/Walden Square on Mormon Trek), City High School (Landmark Herky/Dubuque Street and Washington Street), and the Senior High Alternative Center (HerkyMan/Duque Street [Ped Mall])
Erin Fitzgerald – an art student at Iowa State University – was the creative mind behind Tourist Herky (ICCCVB/1st Avenue and 5th Street), Lifeguard Herky (City of Coralville/S.T. Morrison Park) and Air Passenger Herky (Informatics/The Eastern Iowa Airport). Herky on Parade Bits and Pieces (continued)
Craig Brown, artist for van Gogh Herky! (ICCCVB/Coral Ridge Mall) traveled the farthest from home to contribute to Herky on Parade, coming to Iowa City in March from Colorado Springs, Colo.
Catherine Jones Davies was the last artist to submit a completed Herky – and with good reason. Davies’ returned from a six-week vacation in Europe last Wednesday to complete Jackson Pollocked Herky (UI Office of Admissions/Sycamore Mall) for the UI Office of Admissions.
Carol Platt, a 1973 communications studies graduate from the UI gave the go-ahead for Captain Ameriky (/Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival/Coral Ridge Mall) and Incredible Herky (Lackender Fabrications, Inc./12th Avenue and Highway 6). Platt is the director of copyright and trademarks for Marvel Comics.
Chad Hageman’s Hometown Herky (City of Iowa City/Iowa City City Hall) features more than 1,300 photographs of Iowa City.
Anna Lackender, a member of the Herky on Parade Organizing Committee and a staff member of the ICCCVB, was the creative genius behind Incredible Herk (Lackender Fabrications, Inc./12th Avenue and Highway 6).
Popcorn Herky (General Mills/Hawkins Drive) features – what else – hundreds of thousands of popcorn!
Air Passenger Herky (Erin Fitzgerald/Informatics/The Eastern Iowa Airport) is the only Herky not located inside Johnson County.
The last design approved for inclusion in Herky on Parade? The University of Iowa Libraries’ Dick Tracy Herky (UI Main Library) done by Elizabeth Rhoads Read, who is also the artist responsible for Cowboy Herky (Wells Fargo/Coral Ridge Mall), Racing Herky , (Re-Mas Premier Properties – Rex Brandstatter/5th Street and 10 Avenue), and Andy Warhawk (The Gazette/Market Street and Linn Street).
Finished Herkys nested inside storage space of the Iowa Children’s Museum at Coral Ridge Mall since March. The location was also used as a studio by many of the artists commissioned to decorate Herkys.
Among the things that Herkys hold are a football (Herky the Ironman/Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center/First Avenue), a torch (Olympic Herky/Iowa City Public Library/College Street and Dubuque Street), and a pitchfork (American Gothhawk/Gay and Ciha Funeral and Cremation Services/Iowa Avenue and Dubuque Street).