Dec. 5, 2005
What was it like playing in front of your family and friends in Louisiana?
“It felt really good to be able to have my family and friends in Louisiana see me play. They are unable to watch most of my games, being really far from them, but playing that one game in Louisiana was one of the best moments in my life.”
Where do you get your appetite from?
“Well, most people that know me would think my mom, but really I get my appetite from my dad. I can eat a lot of food when it’s good to me.”
What technological advancement (i.e. cell phone, ipod, dvd player, TV, other) would you not be able to live without?
“I could not live without TV because if I never lose my DVD player, mp3 player and cell phone, all of the things I get from those gadgets I can watch on TV.”
What genre of movies do you prefer to watch: comedies, dramas or other and why?
“I like comdies, action, and adventure movies because I like movies that make me happy.”
What is your favorite holiday and why?
“My favorite holiday would have to be Christmas because I get to spend time with my family and receive a couple presents that I ask for. But mainly just spending time with family, relaxing and eating good food!”
What is your most prized possession?
“My family. I can’t live without my family — they are the most important in my life.”
If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be and why?
“I don’t watch cartoons, so I wouldn’t be anyone.”
If you could only choose one, what would it be and why: gummi bears or powdered donuts?
“Gummi bears any day. I haven’t eaten them as much, but lately I have been buying a lot. Just today I had a bag of gummi bears, bag of gummi cherries and a bag of gummi coca colas.”
Do you have any hobbies?
“Yeah, I have lots of hobbies. I like to read Harry Potter books, watch movies, sing, listen to music, play games on the computer and dance (usually in the mirror… ha).”