Post-Game Quotes

Post-Game Quotes

Nov. 10, 2007

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Iowa Player Quotes

LB A.J. Edds

(On today’s game):

“We let them in a little bit. We had a chance to close them out, especially on some of those third downs on that last drive. We just have to find a way to make those plays, get off the field, and make it a little bit easier for ourselves.”

(On easier playing as a defense with better offensive performance):

“It is, but at the same time we just need to worry about ourselves as a defense. It is definitely easier when the whole team is playing well, not necessarily when the offense is scoring, but when everybody is functioning as one unit… kind of moving forward in the same direction, it’s easier to get into the flow of the game and get into a little bit of a rhythm, so it is beneficial.”

(On today’s defense compared to past games):

“We kind of started out quick, and I wouldn’t say we necessarily let off, but we did some things we need to correct in the second half. But we did a much better job of kind of starting fast and putting the whole game together and finishing strong.”

(Compared to team at beginning of season/improvement):

“It’s night and day, we knew we were good when we had those losses but we were kind of lacking the confidence and so getting some wins and kind of putting a little bit of a streak here together. It really helps getting some momentum and just knowing, within yourself, that you can get the job done and as a team we kind of get it done, it helps.”

TE Brandon Myers

(On touchdown catch):

“They had me covered and I just happened to look back and the ball was right there, it was luck.”

(How it feels to be 6-5):

“Great, you know it’s not how we wanted to start out the season, but we got ourselves in that situation and we’ve been battling back since, so we could get ourselves in the situation to hopefully go somewhere warm and finish out the season.”

(On enduring this season):

“It just shows how good the guys are on the team. We lost a lot of key players and everyone has just stepped up into their role and we got a win today which feels really good right now.”

LB A.J. Edds

(On today’s game):

“We let them in a little bit, we had a chance to close them out especially on some of those third to downs on that last drive. We just have to find a way to make those plays, get off the field, and make it a little bit easier for ourselves.

(On easier playing as a defense with better offensive performance):

“It is, but at the same time we just need to worry about ourselves as a defense. It is definitely easier when the whole team is playing well, not necessarily when the offense is scoring, but when everybody is functioning as one unit… kind of moving forward in the same direction, it’s easier to get into the flow of the game and get into a little bit of a rhythm, so it is beneficial.”

(On today’s defense compared to past games):

“We kind of started out quick, and I wouldn’t say we necessarily let off, but we did some things we need to correct in the second half. But we did a much better job of kind of starting fast and putting the whole game together and finishing strong.”

(Compared to team at beginning of season/improvement):

“It’s night and day, we knew we were good when we had those losses but we were kind of lacking the confidence and so getting some wins and kind of putting a little bit of a streak here together. It really helps getting some momentum and just knowing, within yourself, that you can get the job done and as a team we kind of get it done, it helps. “

QB Jake Christensen

“Obviously we are improving a little bit here and there but we haven’t made good enough improvements to play a whole game yet. Whatever it takes to win, that is what we are trying to do and we did just enough today.

We just want to win. We don’t care how many yards or points, that doesn’t really matter to us. We don’t care how we win, we just want a W.”

(On his interception, and Myer being open on the other side of the field):

“I just wanted to give James a chance to make a play downfield. In that situation an interception is as good as a punt, but you don’t want to ever throw one. I just threw too far over the middle and didn’t really give James much of a chance to make a play. It was a poor throw. I heard Myers was wide open–but you know we hadn’t roughed out that play very much in practice and our defense doesn’t ever really allow that. It is just something I will learn with experience.”

(On Minnesota):

“They were a tough team, and we knew we were going to get everything from them. It’s a good rivalry between the two schools and we counted our getting their best and I think we did. We played hard.”

(On improvement):

“As a team we are a lot better. I think we play well together, we feed off the defense and they feed off us. Offensively we still have some mistakes to correct. But it is always nicer to correct those mistakes after a win.”

RB Albert Young

(On the low of the season):

“I don’t think we every really had a low. We always had the effort, things just never really went our way and I think it’s a tribute to the senior class; we never really got down during the stretch. We lost four games in a row, but we kept pushing and we knew things were going to open up eventually and they have these last couple games.”

(On 3,000-yard mark):

“A lot of guys have come to this school and not too many have reached the 3,000 mark so that means a lot. It is also a tribute to our offensive lines that I have had, the guys have been opening things up. Tom Busch has been here the entire time and a lot has to do with him.”

LB Mike Humpal

(On improvement):

“A lot of guys have been giving good effort in practice and it has been showing up on the field. Since day one we haven’t been the most veteran team on the field but we have kept working and putting forth a lot of effort. The young guys have matured and our team is starting to play well now.”

(On the win):

“It’s nice to get the win against a big rivalry team and to bring some hardware home because our case has been kind of empty.”

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