Post Game Quotes

Post Game Quotes

Oct. 3, 2009

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Iowa Player Quotes

QB Ricky Stanzi

On the two touchdown passes to McNutt
“I have to credit those to the offensive line blocking, not letting anybody in, the running backs doing a great job on the fakes, then Marvin (McNutt) running some great routes. All of that makes my job a lot easier. The other ten guys are really the ones that make those downfield plays happen.”

On the team’s mood after the game
“We’re excited. The big thing is that we won, wins aren’t easy. We’re excited right now. We’re holding ourselves to a high standard. We’re not going to get too high or too low, but stay right in the middle. We’re going to keep playing the entire season through the ups and the downs.”

On the Michigan game
“It’ll be great to be in Kinnick for a night game. They’re a good team, we have a pretty good ball club here and it should be a fun battle. We’ve played in some big football games already this year and they have too. We’re going to put another good week of practice together and come out ready to go and be fired up.”

WR Marvin McNutt

On his two touchdowns
“I felt great. It was nice finally getting that first one, it felt good. We were just out there having fun. The second one felt even better because I didn’t get tackled into the end zone. I was able to run in because Ricky (Stanzi) through a great ball, so it felt good.”

On Arkansas State
“It was a little close, but coming into this game we expected them to be a great opponent. They play a lot of good teams really tough. You don’t expect them to not be good. You play every game like they’re the number one team in the nation.”

On a breakout performance
“This was a nice game, but I don’t want to look at it as more of a breakout performance than us getting a win. I want to keep looking at it as a team. If we all do our jobs, good things will happen.”

LB Pat Angerer

On the win
“Any time we get a win we’re happy, especially with this tough schedule. That was a tough team, and they’re talented. Their quarterback can play anywhere in the country and their running back can play anywhere in the country. They had a lot of speed, and I think we did okay.”

On big defensive plays
“You know our job is to go out there and put the fire out. I think we did a good job of that today.”

On the Wildcat offense
“We knew when #18 was in at quarterback they were going to run it. We tried to bring me off the edge and that seemed to work out, but the first time they did get us with it.”

On the Tebow style offense
“They didn’t show that on film. Especially on the goal line that was a tough one because if I play the run, they’re going to pass it and if I play the pass, they’re going to run it. Obviously, I don’t think we were lined up right, but that was a tough one.”

On the game against Michigan
“It’s tough to look that far ahead. We’re just happy with this win. The key is just to go on and look at the tape and fix the things we need to work on. The good thing about it is that we’re 5-0, and we still need to improve.

On 5-0 for the first time in Ferentz era
“I did not know that. I think when I was a redshirt freshman we went 5-1 then 1-5 I think, but we can’t let up- absolutely not.

On the defensive huddle at the end
“Our job is to go out and put the fire out. We made some mistakes out there, but I think when it mattered we did a good job. We buckled down and played hard and we ran to the ball.”

On the 14-0 cushion
“That was great. Our offense did great and did their job. For us, it’s just our job for everybody to run to the ball and you know, six second of hell.”

LB A.J. Edds

On the 5-0 start
“It’s great now, but at the same time they all start counting now for us to be in the position in November to make a push for the conference. It’s good to be 5-0. It’s better than anything you could think of, but at the same time, our goal wasn’t to be 5-0, our goal is to play well for 12 games and see where we’re at at the end of that. We can’t get complacent and we can’t comfortable otherwise things are going to start to go.”

On the game against Michigan
“You know, it’s Michigan. They’re back. They’re a good team. They were a little down last year, but they have the athletes and the coaches. The guys are more comfortable in their schemes, and it’s not an adjustment period any more for them. They’re set with what they are doing and what they do, they do a pretty good job. It will be important that we can come out and play sound defensively. I don’t know a whole lot about their defense, but I would imagine they are pretty good as well. I would imagine it’s going to be like any Big Ten game. It’s going to be a pretty physical, 60-minute game. We’ll see who the best team is at the end.”

On his playing time as a true freshman
“It helped to play to play as a true freshman as much as anything to come in and start as a sophomore. I kind of played here and there on the defense and on the special teams as a freshman, and that got me to where I was more comfortable playing a full time role as a sophomore, junior and where I am now. Had I not played as a freshman, I don’t know if I would have been in a position to come in and play as a redshirt freshman.”

Arkansas State Head Coach Steve Roberts

“I’m very proud of our football team and the way they competed. I’m disappointed that we had opportunities to make plays and those cost us our chances to win the game. We’re not here just to play well, we want to play well and win. We only got part of that right today. I’m really proud of the level of competitiveness from our kids.”

On the Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty
“It was very disappointing. That’s not who we are. That’s not what we’re all about. We’ll learn from this and move forward, but obviously that is a penalty that is avoidable. It won’t happen again.”

On coming in prepared to stop the run
“That was a big goal of ours. Iowa does an excellent job with motion, extra tight ends, and a fullback in the game to try and create more gaps. I thought our defensive coaches did a heck of a job preparing our guys. One thing we talked about was being prepared with our eyes so we wouldn’t get caught with the play action. For the most part we did that. They made some plays over the top of us with some great throws and catches. We need to compete for those balls, getting our hands in there better. Overall, I think we did a good job stopping the run.”

On preparing his team to play in a hostile environment
“We have competitors on our team. They’re going to show up to compete. They do it in practice when you challenge them and they do it here. Iowa City is a tremendous environment; I’m very impressed by the environment here. I thought their fans did a great job of having an effect on the game. They know critical situations and you can tell they know it.”

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