Teeing It Up With Raymond Knoll

Teeing It Up With Raymond Knoll


Feb. 2, 2015


Q: Why did you choose the University of Iowa?
A: I chose the University of Iowa because of the group of guys that were involved with the golf program leading up to my decision. These guys have been my best friends, my go-to psychologists, the backbone behind the success of this program, and at the end of day, these guys have truly turned into my brothers. I loved these guys when I came on my unofficial visit, my official visit, and since the first day I stepped on this campus. My brothers are the reason I came here and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Q: What is it like working with head coach Tyler Stith and assistant coach Dan Holterhaus?
A: These coaches are amazing. Coach Stith had me hooked on the University of Iowa when he showed me around on my unofficial visit. He is an incredible resource. He is someone you can go to for advice concerning absolutely anything. You can open up to him, have productive golf practice, and learn a lot about yourself through him. Coach Dan is the man. He is very laid back and is easy to talk to, but he is serious when it comes to golf. He is an incredible help and an awesome person.


Q: What are your individual goals for this season?
A: My individual goals are the same going into every season. I want to play the best golf I can play to help the team go as far as we see ourselves going. We have depth, experience, and success under our belts and that makes competition a lot less pressured. I am so excited to see what we can do this season because we have a vivid vision of what we want to accomplish and we will do whatever it takes to get there.

Q: Where is your favorite place to eat in Iowa City? What do you order?
A: Timmy Flynn’s Red Pepper Deli and Grill. Timmy Flynn is the greatest human being in the world. If I had to choose one place to eat for the rest of my life, I wouldn’t want anything but Red Pepper Deli.

Q: Where is your favorite place on campus to spend time and why?
A: I love going to the library and finding a quiet spot to study and read because it is very peaceful and provides a productive atmosphere.

Q: Who are the most influential people in your life?
A: My parents and my teammates. These are people I can go to for anything and will always have my back no matter what. I am so thankful for these people because they have gotten me through my roughest moments. They have stuck by my side and made this college experience second to none.

Q: What are your plans for after college?
A: I have always planned on playing professional golf, and I still believe that is what I will strive for after college.

Q: What is your favorite golf memory?
A: My favorite golf memory was this past summer, having the opportunity to play in the John Deere Classic. It was an unbelievable week because I had my uncle on the bag and I had my former teammate, Steven Ihm, there to show me the ropes. It is something I will cherish and remember forever.

Q: Who is your favorite professional sports team?
A: The Chicago Blackhawks, because they are consistently great and you can always count on them. They are the hype in Chicago and bring an excitement that is unparalleled with any other sports organization I have ever seen.

Q: If you were a super hero, what super power would you have?
A: Chris Kyle because he is a national hero and a super hero of sorts for the United States of America. After seeing American Sniper, Chris Kyle became one of my biggest inspirations because of his dedication to serving his country and putting his life on the line for so many years. Not many people have the courage that he possessed and it gave me motivation to strive for my best with what I want out of my life. I’m so thankful for people like him.

Q: You’re stranded on an island, what three items do you absolutely need?
A: My golf clubs, a machete, and a phone to call for help.

Q: What is your favorite song at the moment?
A: Any song by John Mayer, because he is the type of guy I want to best friends with.

Q: Where is your dream vacation to?
A: I want to hike Mount Everest with my driver and some golf balls so I can be the first person to hit a golf ball from the highest point on planet earth. I’m dead serious.

Q: What are some of your hobbies/what do you do in your free time?
A: I watch Brian Bullington play the guitar. I wish that I could play the guitar as well as him. But I’ll never be as good as him. It’s hard to accept it, but I’ll get there eventually. Also, I enjoy bowling, running, watching Netflix, politics (because people are crazy), watching the news, and reading obscure articles about irrelevant topics.

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: I love creepy movies for whatever reason. Deliverance, Pulp Fiction, Act of Valor, American Sniper, The Ring, Zero Dark Thirty, Seven, Good Will Hunting, Shawshank Redemption, Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Blades of Glory. Pretty much anything that makes me paranoid to go outside.

Q: What is your favorite app on your phone?
A: EBAY, because the whole world is just a click away.

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