2022 Vrbo Citrus Bowl Hawkeye Huddle Information

2022 Vrbo Citrus Bowl Hawkeye Huddle Information

IOWA CITY, Iowa — Hawkeye fans following the University of Iowa football team to Orlando, Florida for the 2022 Vrbo Citrus Bowl Game on Saturday, January 1, 2022, are encouraged to attend the outdoor Hawkeye Huddle at Pointe Orlando.

Fans are invited to join the National I-Club for the Hawkeye Huddle on Friday, December 31, from 3:30-4:45 p.m. (ET) at Pointe Orlando – 9101 International Drive – as part of the Vrbo Citrus Bowl Pep Rally, a joint pep rally with the Kentucky Wildcats.

The Vrbo Citrus Bowl Hawkeye Huddle will include live DJ, appearances by Herky, the Iowa Spirit Squads, and the Hawkeye Marching Band along with comments from Voice of the Hawkeyes Gary Dolphin and other University and athletics officials.

For more details on the Hawkeye Huddles visit jointheiclub.com or find the National I-Club (@jointheiclub) on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.