Annual Equipment Sale

Annual Equipment Sale

April 9, 2004

The UI Athletic Department’s 2004 Athletic Equipment Spring Sale is set for Thursday, Apr. 22, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Friday, Apr. 23, from noon to 5 p.m. The sale will be held in the east concourse of historic Kinnick Stadium near the entrance to the visiting team lockerroom.

Friends and fans are encouraged to enter the stadium at the southeast corner. The sale is a “cash only” activity. The UI Athletic Department will not accept credit cards or personal checks.

Items that will be on ssale include t-shirts, shorts, football hotel warm-up suits, jackets, baseball t-shirts, soccer warm-ups, shoes of various styles and sizes including a large supply of metal-spiked baseball shoes, football pants, track warm-ups, coaches NIKE polo shirts and more.

There will be no football helmets or football jerseys sold at this sale.