Trackin' Progress on Web

Trackin' Progress on Web

May 19, 2005

Friends and fans of the University of Iowa’s men’s tennis, women’s tennis, soccer and field hockey programs take note, there’s a new world wide web site that should be added to your list of “Favorites.”, a world wide web site exclusively dedicated to the construction projects currently underway on land commonly know as the UI’s “West Campus” – located immediately west of Finkbine Golf Course went live late today.

The site features a description of the four different projects that will impact the intercollegiate athletics and recreation programs on the University of Iowa campus and the recreational opportunities for the greater University community.

Included in the project is the construction of the new Grant Field – the home of Iowa’s nationally ranked field hockey program, the construction of a new soccer practice field, and the construction of the West Campus Tennis and Recreation Center that includes indoor and outdoor tennis courts, fitness areas, the UI’s Touch the Earth program and more.

“It’s exciting for everyone involved in our program, everyone from current student-atheles and alums to our student-athletes of the future,” said Daryl Greenan, Iowa’s first-year head coach for women’s tennis.

“It’s exciting for everyone involved in our program, everyone from current student-atheles and alums to our student-athletes of the future.”
UI Women’s Tennis Coach Daryl Greenan on the impact of the new West Campus Tennis and Recreation Center

Among the features included in the site are architectural schematics and artist renderings of the projects, photo galleries, a Frequently Asked Question area that will grow as responses are provided to questions submitted by visitors to the site and a news area.

“The plan is to provide weekly photographs of the construction, and up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of news and other items related to the project,” said Rick Klatt, the UI’s associate athletics director for external affairs.

“Like the web site dedicated to the renovation of Kinnick Stadium, is another example of our commitment to use the world wide web as a means to provide our friends and fans official information and exclusive information.”

To visit, click HERE.