Parking Notice Regarding Friday's Basketball Game

Parking Notice Regarding Friday's Basketball Game

Nov. 6, 2007

The Big Ten Network: Programming Schedule

IOWA CITY, IA – – Parking for men’s basketball this Friday will be available starting at 6 p.m. Basketball fans with priority parking are asked to present their passes as they enter the lots and a $5 parking fee will be collected.

In order to accommodate Friday night football parking, fans assigned to priority parking in lot 40B, located immediately east of Carver-Hawkeye Arena, will be re-directed to lot 33 or the Arena Commuter lot.

Priority and public parking for men’s basketball will also be available in hospital ramps 1, 2, and 3 and the Finkbine commuter lot.

Lots around Kinnick Stadium will not be available for men’s basketball parking Friday.

In another important matter, the Hancher Shuttle will not be available on five dates during the upcoming basketball season. Alternative shuttle service will be provided for Hawkeye fans.

The Hancher shuttle will not be available (because of sold out performances at Hancher) on Nov. 9, Nov. 14, Dec. 14, Jan. 26, and Mar. 1. On those dates, an alternate shuttle service will be provided from the Hawkeye commuter lot, located just off Mormon Trek Blvd. The alternate shuttle service will begin 90 minutes prior to the start of each game.




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