Q & A: Field Hockey's Sarah Pedrick

Q & A: Field Hockey's Sarah Pedrick

March 2, 2011

Sarah Pedrick, a native of New Castle, Del., has appeared in ten career games. The academic All-Big Ten honoree recently sat down with hawkeyesports.com.

Q: Other than Grant Field, what is your favorite place on campus?
A: “During warm weather I love to be outside down by the river near the old art and music buildings. Anywhere near the river, the reservoir, or Lake Macbride during spring and summer are the best places to be. During winter though, I’d have to say Java House. They have the best coffee.”

Q: If you were cast on a reality TV show, which one would you prefer to be on and why?
A: “Fear Factor. I think the rest of the reality shows are based too much on drama.”

Q: What are your personal goals for the offseason?
A: “I want to get much better in my technical skill and confidence on the field. As a defender my individual defense skills are really important. Also, I went to get stronger and faster.”

Q: Do you have any hobbies?
A: “I love art and music. In high school I worked with a lot of clay and did sculpture, but lately I’ve been doing more painting and metalwork. I also collect movie ticket stubs.”

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: “I don’t have a favorite movie, but the movies that make me the happiest would have to be a toss up between Lion King and Sandlot. Childhood movies were the best.”

Q: What is your favorite food/meal?
A: “I love anything Italian, but I’d have to say my mom’s breakfast. She makes anything and everything you can imagine when my brother and I come home from school.”

Q: Who is your favorite professional athlete?
A: “Michael Jordan.”

Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: “Right now, it’s probably either Modern Family, NCIS, or Blue Bloods.”

Q: How is your academic career path coming along?
A: “Great! I just applied to the health and human physiology major and my semesters keep getting harder but I’m hanging in there.”

Q: What is playing on your iPod right now/who is your favorite artist?
A: “Right now I’m listening to Norwegian recycling- they take a few songs and mix them together. I refuse to choose a favorite artist though. I love so many different kinds of music, but I did just see Linkin Park in concert a couple of weeks ago!”

Q: Who is the most influential person in your life?
A: “Both of my parents. They’re both the hardest working people I know. I was given so many opportunities in life because of them. My dad owns his own business after never having gone to college because he couldn’t afford it. And my mom, as a woman in the business world, has worked her way up through the ranks and earned a lot of respect among co-workers and bosses.”

Q: Do you have any pregame superstitions?
A: “I have a silver angel pendant that my dad gave me that I rub before every game. I’m also very superstitious about all of our sticks touching when we cheer!”

Q: What is your favorite restaurant in the Iowa City area?
A: “I’d have to say Givanni’s. The beef tips there are awesome. But I also love getting sushi at Takanami.”

Q: What was the key factor in your recruitment that led you to Iowa City, IA and the Hawkeye field hockey program?
A: “The Big Ten school atmosphere. There really is nothing like it. You haven’t experienced a college athletic event until you’ve seen swarms of black and gold lining the streets and stands. The best part about it is how our programs don’t just get to see other students in our stadiums, but the locals are just as loyal if not more loyal to the Hawkeyes.”