Postgame Quotes

Postgame Quotes

Nov. 16, 2010

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G, Cully Payne

Do you think that time is still thinking its way through the offense?

“I think at times, during set plays guys are thinking where am I going? What am I doing? But I think when we break and defensively we are getting better and being distinctive.”

On Jordan Stoermer’s game tonight

“I thought he did great. All the media wants to talk to him and he is on TV, so I was teasing him. He did great and I’m proud of him. Coach asked before the game if he was ready to play and he came in and did his job.”

G, Eric May

On transitioning from last game to tonight game

“Yes we are transitioning. I think our first game we were all thinking too much and not just relaxing and playing. This game we finally let loose and followed what we practiced and it showed on the court.”

Have you been putting in emphasize on defense the past few days?

“It was a lot of emphasize on who we had to match up on and they had a few guys that got so good points but for the most part we contained them.”

On working together as a team

“The whole second half I felt that we really came together well. There were a couple points in the first half that I shot a couple quick shots for turnovers. Stuff like that was really frustrating coach. We were just not staying composed.”

UL-Monroe Head Coach Keith Richard

Opening Statement

“It was a really a struggle offensively tonight and that was the story of the game. We just played bad offensively. From a turn over stand point to a shooting the ball stand point, it was really tough out there and it was tough to watch. On the flip side, believe it or not, I thought we made some progress defensively from the Texas Tech game to tonight. We played more minutes of better defense and better defensive transitions even though we had some lapses. It was a longer stretch. Instead of 20 or 25, I think we had 30 minutes of really good defense and how we need to play.”

On UL-Monroe’s defensive progress

“We’re getting there defensively and I’m encouraged, I really am. You have to take something positive out of a 68-40 loss and for me, it was the defense. I really felt good about that part, but I don’t know how many traveling calls we had. It wasn’t one-sided at all and these referees are making sure these kids are keeping a pivot foot on the ground and we weren’t doing it. Obviously we have some work to do against a three-quarter press. Finally, at the end we got it figured out and how to play against it. It was nice to see us work through that and improve.”

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