Iowa Dance Team Recruitment FAQ

How would a dancer get recruited?

STEP 1: Complete a recruitment questionnaire, upload the required YouTube videos and a letter of recommendation to allow the coaching staff to get to know you as a person and a dancer. We will review these submissions on a biweekly basis.

STEP 2: Meet us virtually or in person. We will be participating in the ISDTA College Combine in Des Moines, IA, UDA College Combine in Chicago, IL, and other clinics. We are open for 1:1 phone calls and Zooms to answer any questions you may have about the team or the University of Iowa.

STEP 3: Follow us on social media. We post all up to date information regarding recruiting as well as national competitions, combines and events that we will be attending.

What is the timeline of the recruiting process?

General Timeline for High School dancers:

  • Freshmen/Sophomore/Junior Year:
    • Prospective dancer attends clinics and/or recruiting combines.
  • Senior Year:
    • Fall:
      • Prospective dancer applies to the University of Iowa after August 1.
      • Prospective dancer attends clinics/combine.
      • Prospective dancer attends virtual recruitment information session (October).
      • Prospective dancer records skills video, completes recruitment questionnaire, and submits this information with letter of recommendation before December 1, 2024.
    • Spring:
      • Coaching Staff offers positions to prospective dancers
      • Prospective dancers accept spot on University of Iowa Dance Team
      • University of Iowa Dance Team Roster Announcement prior to April 1, 2024.
What are the video requirements?

There is an opportunity to upload three (3) videos on the recruitment questionnaire.

First Video Requirements:
Attire: Any Iowa apparel. Your hair should be down and you should have a “game ready” makeup look.
Video should be of you speaking directly to the camera and be no more than one minute in length. Please include:

  1. Your name
  2. Hometown
  3. School Dance Team and/or Studio name
  4. Why you want to attend The University of Iowa.
  5. Why you would like to be on the dance team.
  6. Why you would be an ideal candidate for this team.
  7. What you hope to pursue academically.

Second Video Requirements:
Attire: Sports bra and form fitting shorts (color of your choice). Your hair should be back and out of your face.

  1. Dance Technique:
    Please film this segment continuously. You made do a skill a second time, if needed.

    1. As many pirouettes as you can do on the right and left side (4+ on the right, 2+ on the left).
    2. Second Turns (at least three counts of eight, should be an advanced combination that includes changing spots, floats, or other pirouette elements) — you should turn to the beat of a song that is between 140-150 beats per minute (bpm) such as Can’t Hold Us.
    3. Leap sequence: chasse step jete (1 & 2, 3, 4), land (&5), side leap (6), land (7), turn out of it (8), chaine layout calypso (1-4), roll out (5, 6, 7, 8).
    4. Toe touch into a hurdler into a firebird (one count of plie in between each jump)
    5. Leg hold pirouette (double preferred/either leg/inside or outside)
    6. Acro (this segment does not need to be filmed continuously)
      1. Chaine aerial, demonstrate right & left if able
      2. Front handspring
      3. Headspring
      4. back tuck
  2. 30 second jazz or contemporary routine that shows technical ability and dancer’s style
  3. 30 second pom routine that demonstrates dancer’s strength, power and, athleticism. This should also show a range of motions and proper pom technique.

Third Video Requirements:
A solo routine of your choice. This can be from a practice or a competition.

These videos do not need to be professionally edited, but do need to be PUBLIC or UNLISTED YouTube Links in order for our coaching staff to be able to view them (please test your link before including it on the questionnaire).

Will every dancer receive a response?

The coaching staff will be reviewing the questionnaires on a rolling basis and will take the necessary time to evaluate all relevant information before reaching out with next steps. You will receive a confirmation email that your questionnaire, videos and letters of recommendation have been received, and a follow-up email after review of your materials regarding your recruitment status. The staff will reach out to those dancers who best fit our program to engage in conversations about the University and the Iowa Dance Team.

Do you have to attend a clinic to be considered for a spot on the team?

Though there is no requirement to attend a clinic to be on the team, it is strongly recommended. We understand that scheduling can be challenging, but it is important to show the coaches that you are interested and committed to the University of Iowa.

What are the academic requirements to be considered for the team?

Proof of admission to the University of Iowa is required for the coaching staff to offer a roster spot to a prospective student athlete. There are certain colleges within the University of Iowa that utilize the Regent Admissions Index. This encompasses your GPA, ACT score, and the number of years of high school courses completed in the core subject areas. You should be able to speak to these on your recruitment questionnaire.

Besides dance ability, what other characteristics are you looking for in your dancers?

Our team is a family. We are looking for dancers that are able to communicate, build trust, and contribute to a positive team atmosphere. Our dancers are asked to interact with alumni, fans, and various community members through appearances on behalf of the University of Iowa athletic department. Strong communication skills and outgoing personalities are beneficial for this role.

What is the best way to get to know the team and coaching staff?

We believe the more exposure the better! We strongly recommend attending an on-campus clinic as it is a great way to meet the coach while also getting to dance with other prospective dancers and current members of the team. Another way to connect is at different recruitment combines. The Iowa State Dance Team Association hosts a College Combine specifically for Iowa colleges and universities each September. The most important thing to make sure you do is communicate! Meet and stay connected to the coaching staff and continue to update us on your admissions process.

Is an interview required as a part of the recruitment process?

Yes, we will reach out to those dancers that we are interested in having as a part of our program to set up an interview with the coaching staff, current team and alumni. This will allow us to get to know you as an individual and will allow you to ask questions about the University of Iowa and our program.

What are the requirements for the letter of recommendation?

We are looking for someone who knows and can speak to your character outside of dance. The letter should offer a perspective of who you are as a person and offer supporting examples. Consider asking a school teacher, a boss, or another individual that knows you very well. We do ask that your letter is written by an adult that is not related to you.