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Q-and-A With Johanna SolversonQ-and-A With Johanna Solverson
Women's Basketball

Q-and-A With Johanna Solverson

Nov. 15, 2007

Who is your favorite Family Guy character and why?
I would probably have to say Peter, he makes the show, and he really just doesn’t get it. He thinks he’s so wise, but he’s really an idiot and its pure comedy. Also, his laugh makes me laugh.

Is your love for chocolate still as strong as it was when you were a freshman?
Absolutely, I love chocolate more than anything.

You have traveled to many places with the Hawkeyes. What trip was your favorite and why?
One of my favorite trips was the Bahamas trip my junior year. It was when we all first got to really know each other, along with winning the tournament, but really I loved it when I got my hair braided.

What are you looking forward to most about the team’s trip to Cancun next week?
Hopefully, to share the same bond we had when we went to the Bahamas in 2004. It will be exciting knowing that everybody’s parents are going to be there, oh and of course, getting my hair braided again.

Why did you want to come back for a sixth year?
Because I really wanted a full year to play again; I wanted to get the full experience one more time with going through all that rehab and surgeries. I also wanted to prove to myself that I can make it through.

What are your goals/plans after the season is over?
I would love to see how far I can make it playing basketball, whether it’s the WNBA or even Europe. I love it too much to just give it up that easily.

What is your favorite meal to eat and where is your favorite restaurant?
My favorite meal I would have to say is peanut butter and jelly sandwich, considering it’s the easiest and quickest thing to make. My favorite restaurant would have to be Los Portales, I love Mexican food and the prices aren’t that bad either.

What would you like this team to accomplish this season?
To play hard and have fun, and then hopefully things will accomplish themselves.

What will you remember most about your time as a student-athlete at Iowa?
The fact that after an interview, I had the reporter tell me that after this season I will have played with 27 different teammates in my six years, that just through me off.

How many songs do you have on your iPod? What group do you listen to the most?
Wow, I download songs almost everyday, I probably have about 3,000 if not more, but I do not have a favorite group to listen to. It just depends on the type of mood I am in, and really what I feel like listening to. But really I do have a soft spot for 80’s music.