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Q-and-A with Cliff MooreQ-and-A with Cliff Moore
Men's Wrestling

Q-and-A with Cliff Moore

Dec. 15, 2003

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Senior Cliff Moore is a two-time all-American for the nationally ranked Iowa wrestling team.. The 141-pounder is 9-1 overall and 4-1 in dual competition this season. The Dubuque native recently sat down with to talk about his life on and off the mat.

When did you start wrestling?
I started in kindergarten; my uncle coached the YMCA team. My dad and all his brothers wrestled, so that got me interested in the sport.

What is your favorite wrestling-related memory?
I would say wrestling my freshman year in high school because I got to wrestle with my brother. He had a high work ethic and always pushed me to be the best.

What impresses you most about Coach Zalesky?
I would say the way he has dealt with the past couple years. He is trying really hard to get us back on top.

Do you have any pre-match rituals or superstitions?
I think it is very important to develop a pre-match routine. I always focus before a match and get my mind and heart ready to go. I get loose and tell myself I am ready.

When your career at Iowa is completed, how do you want your fans to remember you?
Somebody who gave it their best every time out. I want to be remembered for trying to wrestle the Iowa style and wrestled to the best of their ability.

Where is your favorite place to wrestle on the road?
Wherever the NCAA finals are. That is the biggest tournament. It’s the most intense and everything is on the line.

While on the road, how do you spend your spare time?
I like to relax and try to get my body ready. I spend time in the hotel room letting my body recover and preparing myself.

“Wrestling has been my whole life, and it’s hard to imagine life without wrestling. I would like to think if I wasn’t wrestling in college, I would be doing something meaningful and still striving to be on top in whatever I was doing.”
Iowa senior Cliff Moore

How would you describe yourself on the mat? Off the mat?
On the mat I am aggressive, powerful, explosive, and hard-nosed. Off the matt I am more quiet and reserved.

What would you be doing if you weren’t wrestling in college?
Wrestling has been my whole life, and it’s hard to imagine life without wrestling. I would like to think if I wasn’t wrestling in college, I would be doing something meaningful and still striving to be on top in whatever I was doing.

What attracted you to the University of Iowa?
The tradition. I am from Iowa and I feel that this is the place where I can best develop my style. Iowa is a place where anyone can prosper as a wrestler.

What does being apart of the Iowa wrestling program mean to you?
I am very proud to be an Iowa wrestler. To say that you were the person that was a part of a championship team is a great feeling.

What is your worst fear?
Not beating people as bad as I could.

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
Stick with wrestling.

What activities or hobbies do you do in your spare time or in the off-season?
I do anything I can. I enjoy, mountain biking, fishing, boating, Frisbee golf, ping-pong, and racquetball.

How would your teammates describe you?
Very dedicated.

If you could star in any other sport, other than wrestling, what would it be and why?
Probably boxing. It’s most like wrestling you can get.

What is your biggest pet peeve? Slackers and fake people.

What do you do to unwind after a match?
I run a little bit and cool down. I let my muscles unwind and then get some food to help me recover.

If you could trade places for a day with anyone, who would it be and why?
Dan Gable. As a wrestler he was at the top. I think that any wrestler would want to spend a day as him to see what his mind is like.