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2008 Football Ticket Prices Set2008 Football Ticket Prices Set

2008 Football Ticket Prices Set

Feb. 14, 2008

Click HERE to order your 2008 Iowa Football season tickets.

IOWA CITY – Fans of the University of Iowa football team who purchase season tickets for the 2008 college football season will enjoy one more home game in historic Kinnick Stadium than last year and won’t see an increase in the cost of tickets on an individual game basis, the UI Department of Intercollegiate Athletics announced today.

Iowa, which will enter the 2008 season with 30 consecutive home game sellouts, will play seven games in Kinnick in 2008 – one more game than the Hawkeyes played at home a year ago. The schedule includes games against Big Ten Conference rivals Wisconsin, Penn State, Purdue and Northwestern, and non-conference games against Maine, Florida International and Iowa State.

Season tickets will cost $339 for the general public, $275 for UI faculty and staff, and $154 for UI students. The UI will also offer two different three-game “mini-season” packages at a cost of $165.

Consistent with past practice, the cost of the season tickets available for purchase by the general public and UI faculty and staff includes a premium for tickets to the game against Iowa State. ($10 for general public and $9 for UI faculty and staff). UI students who purchase season tickets are not charged a premium for their ticket to the Iowa State game.

“We are excited about the coming football season for many reasons including the fact that the schedule provides our fans one more game day at Kinnick Stadium than a year ago.

“We are also pleased that we were able to avoid any across-the-board ticket price increases and that our season and single game ticket prices in all categories again compare very favorably to our peers in the Big Ten Conference.”

UI Director of Athletics
Gary Barta

If available, single game tickets will cost $50 each – the same cost as in 2007 – except for Iowa’s games against Wisconsin and Iowa State. Single game tickets to those events, if available, will cost $65. As in the past, fans of the Hawkeyes who purchase season tickets will have the first opportunity to purchase additional single game tickets for all seven home games including the two premium events.

“We are excited about the coming football season for many reasons including the fact that the schedule provides our fans one more game day at Kinnick Stadium than a year ago,” said Gary Barta, the UI’s director of athletics.

“We are also pleased that we were able to avoid any across-the-board ticket price increases and that our season and single game ticket prices in all categories again compare very favorably to our peers in the Big Ten Conference.”

The UI sold more than 56,000 season tickets in 2007.

2008 season ticket renewal information will be delivered to last year’s season ticket customers in early April. UI students will also receive information about how they order their 2008 season tickets about that time. Persons interested in being added to the database of recipients of information about purchasing season and single-game tickets should e-mail the UI at gohawks or call the UI Sports Marketing Office (319-335-9431) or the UI Athletic Ticket Office (1-800 IA-HAWKS).

Please note: Second number reflects cost of tickets to games designated as “premium”

(7 games)
(6 games)
(7 games)
2008 Total
(7 games)
General Public Season
45 / 55
47 /57
UI Faculty/Staff Season
36 / 45
38 /47
UI Student Season
Single Game (if available)
48 / 60
50 / 65
Premium Game(s)
Iowa State*
Iowa State*
Iowa State*

*premium included in cost of season and single game tickets
**premium included in cost of single-game tickets only

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