All Sports Schedule

Registration For Youth Winter Camps is Open

Nov. 3, 2008

IOWA CITY – – The Iowa baseball team has established the dates for their Winter Camps, which will take place this December in Iowa City. Registration for these camps is open.

To register, visit or e-mail Matt Haddy at

Below are the dates for the camps:

Saturday, December 27
Future Hawks Evaluation Camp (For High School Athletes 14-18)
9-12 p.m., Pitchers/Catchers ($110)
1-4 p.m., Position Players ($110)

Sunday, December 28
Youth Hitting/Pitching Camp ($80)
Hitting Camp 9-11:30 a.m., Ages 6-13 (No High School Athletes)
Pitching Camp 1-3:30 p.m., Ages 6-13 (No High School Athletes)

Monday and Tuesday, December 29 and 30
Junior Hawks Advanced Skills Camp ($110)
9-11:30 a.m., Ages 6-10
1-3:30 p.m., Ages 11-13 (No High School Athletes)

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