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Spring Spotlight: Mallory HuszSpring Spotlight: Mallory Husz

Spring Spotlight: Mallory Husz

April 1, 2010

IOWA CITY, IA – University of Iowa sophomore Mallory Husz was recently named to Iowa volleyball’s inaugural Leadership Council. A member of each class was selected by the coaching staff. Husz, representing the sophomores, joins junior class representative Aimee Huffman and freshman class representative Allison Straumann on the distinguished committee. Husz earned Academic all-Big Ten honors in 2009 and took a minute from her spring-season workout to discuss Iowa volleyball, on and off the court, and what it means to be a part of the Leadership Council.

Spring season is well under way, what’s impressed you most about the Hawkeyes this spring?
“What’s impressed me most is that everyone has embraced a leadership position on the team. A year ago, (senior Megan) Schipper was one of our captains. She graduated, so now we have to fill the leadership role that Schipper left open. A lot of girls have stepped up and it’s really nice to see.”

You are one of three players the coaches selected for the inaugural Leadership Council. What was your reaction when the coaches asked you to take on that responsibility?
“I was honored. I get to represent my sophomore class, which is a great honor. It’s nice to be able to have a voice. The coaches are allowing us to have a say in things. They’re asking us questions, they value our input and it’s great to be able to represent my group.”

Part of that responsibility is coordinating community events for the team. What have you been doing recently?
“We’ve recently set up a volunteer activity at a local nursing home, Greenwood Manor. Each player volunteers two hours each month to visit with the residents and join in activities. It could be Bingo, playing cards, or painting finger nails. I once painted a lady’s nails, she was 100 years old. It’s just a great feeling to know that we’ve made someone’s day better. Going through life, everyday you want to make someone else’s day better and make someone else’s life better. You want to be a positive influence in someone’s life. Knowing that we can entertain and speak with people who otherwise may not get a lot of visitors, it’s great to help out and know we made their day.”

What kind of events are on the horizon?
“We are teaming up with the Gamma Phi sorority to host a breast cancer fundraiser. It’s going to be May 2 at Hubbard Park. It’s open to the public and we’re going to send invitations to our boosters and some Iowa City kids. We’re going to have a hot dog eating contest and play some grass volleyball. There is going to be a band playing and everything is going to benefit breast cancer research. It’s going to be a lot of fun so hopefully everyone can come.”