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Women's Golf

Meet Your Hawkeyes: Nicole Rae

Feb. 2, 2015


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Q: What is it like working with coach Menzel and coach Selders?

A: Coach Menzel and coach Selders have been extremely helpful to my development as a player. They are always working with us to perfect our skills and improve every day whether that be taking videos of our swings and making tweaks or giving us great short game drills to challenge us and make us all better players.

Q: What led to you to Iowa City and the Hawkeye golf program?

A: I was originally interested in the business school and found it to be a great fit to combine golf and school.

Q: What facet of your game has improved the most since last spring and what are the team goals for the season?

A: My putting has improved immensely since last spring. I really started focusing more on distance control and trusting myself and my ability which has led me to be more confident in my putting.

Q: What did you do over the winter break?

A: Applied for jobs! I can’t believe I’m graduating in a few months! I also went to California and played Mission Hills where they have the Kraft Nabisco LPGA tournament it was awesome!

Q: What was your favorite golf memory growing up?

A: Wining my first tournament ever! I was 6 years old and it was a program called “Little Rippers” but it was so fun and it is what made me love golf.


Q: What was the last movie you saw in theaters and what did you think of it?

A: The Hobbit, it was really long and confusing because I hadn’t seen the previous movies but it was still good!

Q: What do you like to do in your free time?

A: I enjoy watching sports and baking!

Q: What is your favorite home-cooked meal when you go home and why?

A: Moms pot roast and mashed potatoes. It’s so good!

Q: What is your favorite Hawkeye memory so far?

A: Playing in my first Big Ten Championship. It’s an incredible atmosphere that you don’t get often in golf. It’s an entire conference coming together and competing for the top spot. It was just a lot of fun and great to have family and friends out there supporting our team.

The Hawkeyes return to action Feb.15-17, traveling to Rio Grande, Puerto Rico to take part in the Lady Puerto Rico Classic for their spring season opener.

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