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Meet the Hawkeyes: Senior Jessie SindlingerMeet the Hawkeyes: Senior Jessie Sindlinger
Women's Golf

Meet the Hawkeyes: Senior Jessie Sindlinger

A Q&A with the University of Iowa women's golf team's only senior – Jessie Sindlinger.

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A Q&A with the University of Iowa women’s golf team’s only senior – Jessie Sindlinger.

What are your plans after graduation?
“I’m not sure yet, but I have a degree in finance. I’ll either go into that, or I would love to be a pro at a golf course and get my teaching card. Hopefully, I can go to a course and continue golfing.”

You’ve been a starter for the past three years, what are your hopes for the rest of your senior season?
“To just go out and play the best I can in every tournament. I’ve had a rough start, but I just want to be able to let go of expectations and play the best I possibly can.”

How do you want your time at Iowa to be remembered by others?
“I want to be remembered as a good team player. I work hard, and I hope that I’ve set a good example for all the younger players.”

What aspect of your game has improved the most since last season?
“I’ve been working on putting a lot. Wedges have been my thing lately too, so I’m just continuing to work on that. I’ve made a lot of changes in my swing since last season, especially making progress with the driver. So, that’s been fun.”

What is your favorite Hawkeye memory so far?
“Winning the home tournament last year with the team was really cool, especially since it was at Finkbine.”

What is it like being the only senior on the team and how do you handle that position of leadership?
“It is definitely different being the only senior, but there are four juniors on the team and they’ve really stepped up. It’s really fun to work with everyone — getting to know them, making them feel welcome,  and pushing them to work hard.”

What is it like working with head coach Megan Menzel and assistant coach Michael Roters?
“They’re great. They’re so much fun to be around and have such positive attitudes.  They know a lot about golf, and I learn something new from them every single day.”

What will you miss the most about Iowa?
“I will really miss the team and the coaches, traveling, and being to play golf every day.”

What’s your favorite course you’ve ever played?
“Probably, the Big Ten Championship course my freshman and sophomore year in Indiana. That was a really sweet course.”

What do you like to do in your spare time?
“Besides golf, I like to hang out with my friends, especially my roommates, and just relax.”

How did it feel winning the Iowa Women’s Amateur this summer?
“It was really cool, because I played against a lot of girls I grew up playing with being from Iowa. It was awesome that it was at Finkbine, and having everyone here to support me was really fun.”