IOWA CITY, Iowa –– As part of the University of Iowa Athletics Department plan to mitigate the financial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Henry B. and Patricia B. Tippie Director of Athletics Chair Gary Barta announced department budget reductions of approximately $15 million for FY21.
The athletics department budget for FY20 was $124.8 million. The 2020-21 budget was anticipated to be $127.5 million prior to the reductions. With the reductions in compensation and operations, the department’s FY21 budget proposal will be $112.5 million. The $15 million reduction includes nearly $13 million in reduced operating expenses, with the remaining in compensation adjustments.
“None of this is easy for our coaches and staff. I appreciate their continued understanding in these uncertain times,” Barta said. “The pandemic has dealt us a financial situation that requires difficult decisions. It is our responsibility to maintain a fiscally responsible operation while providing the highest level of service to our student-athletes.”
Reductions in salary and compensation are being spread across the department. Professional and Scientific, non-contracted, staff will see one-year salary reductions based on a graduated salary reduction scale. In general, staff earning above $200,000 will see a 10 percent base salary reduction, staff making $150,000-$199,999 a 7.5 percent reduction, salaries of $100,000-$149,999 a five percent reduction, $50,143-$99,999 a three percent reduction, and staff making below $50,143 a two percent salary reduction. Merit employees will participate in the budget reduction process through utilization of unpaid leave days in either six – or eight-day increments. Contracted employees were asked to participate in a voluntary salary reduction or contribution back to the department.