All Sports Schedule
Miracle Events, 2003-04Miracle Events, 2003-04
Men's Basketball

Miracle Events, 2003-04

Sept. 17, 2003

Each academic year, the University of Iowa Department of Intercollegiate Athletics teams with University of Iowa Health Care to stage a series of events called “The Miracle Games.” These events are designed to accomplish two objectives:

In some instances – like in the case of the annual Miracle Game staged by the University’s two basketball programs – “Miracle” events generate revenue for the Children’s Miracle Network.

Miracle events generate awareness for the Children’s Hospital of Iowa.

In all cases, Miracle events generate awareness for the Children’s Hospital of Iowa.

And, in all cases, Miracle events are meant to generate awareness and spectator participation in events involving intercollegiate athletics teams at the UI.

UI Health Care is a participant in the UI Athletic Department’s Partners in Excellence corporate sponsorship program. As a Partner, UI Health Care is committed to building awareness of and participation in the intercollegiate athletics program at the University of Iowa.

The Miracle Game Series, 2003-04

Date (Day of Week) Event

Sept. 20 (Saturday) Football vs. Arizona State

Oct. 3 (Friday) Soccer vs. Indiana;Oct. 11 (Saturday) Field Hockey vs. Michigan State;Oct. 24 (Friday) Volleyball vs. Michigan State;

Nov. 7 (Friday) Men’s Swimming vs. Purdue; Women’s Swimming vs. Purdue;Nov. 16 (Sunday) Men’s Basketball vs. Athletes in Action;

Jan. 31 (Saturday) Men’s Gymnastics vs. Oklahoma; Women’s Gymnastics vs. North Carolina State;

Feb. 22 (Sunday) Women’s Basketball vs. Penn State;

Apr. 17 (Saturday) Women’s Tennis vs. Indiana;Apr. 23 (Friday) Men’s Tennis vs. Ohio State;Apr. 24 (Saturday) Softball vs. Penn State;

May 1 (Saturday) Men’ Track and Field, Musco Meet; Women’s Track and Field, Musco Meet.

For more information about the Miracle Game series of events on the University of Iowa campus, please contact the UI Sports Marketing Office at (319) 335-9431.