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Laura Simpson Q&ALaura Simpson Q&A

Laura Simpson Q&A

Nov. 13, 2003

What is your most embarrassing moment on the court?
“During our black and gold scrimmage, last year in August, it was so hot that we were all very sweaty. I chased a ball down and slid, on my own sweat for about 18 feet almost off the edge. It was kind of gross.”

While on the road, how do you like to spend your spare time?
“I usually do homework or sleep. It’s a good time to catch up.”

Do you have any pre-match rituals or superstitions?
“I always shower and brush my teeth before the match, but superstitions are often mere figments of the imagination and can cause more harm than good.”

How would your teammates describe you?
“I hate to think! I would think people would see me as caring, hard working and a little crazy.”

What has surprised you most about the University of Iowa?
“The ease in which I fit in here. There were no real culture shocks which was definitely a relief.”

Simpson posted a career-high 22 kills in Iowa’s home match against Minnesota.

What is something few people know about you?
“I was on the debate team in high school.”

If you could bring one thing from Sassafras, Australia, what would it be?
“My family.”

Describe the perfect day. What would you do?
“Prince charming comes to my window, wakes me up, makes me breakfast, takes me shopping, gives me a massage, takes me up in a hot air balloon, then takes me to the opera.”

What do you do to unwind after a match?
“Shower, eat and then talk to my parents at home.”

If you had to sing karaoke, what song would you sing, and would you sing it with anyone else?
“Raspberry Beret by Prince or Land Down Under and I would have to sing it with someone. My voice has been known to shatter windows.”

What is something that you can’t imagine life without?
“Music and vegemite.”

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
“Hard work pays off.”

If you were on a deserted island, which of your teammates would you want to have with you and why?
“Carolyn because she carries everything you could possibly need in her makeup bag.”

If you could trade places for a day with anyone, who would it be and why?
“The Secretary General of the UN. I think I could make some positive changes.”

If you could guest star on any television show, what would it be?
“Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. I want my apartment done up and some new clothes.”

The Simpson File
Full Name: Laura Simpson
Major: global studies w/French & Italian minor
Parents’ Names: Ralph and Judy
Birthday: January 30, 1982
Siblings’ Names: Paul, Louise and Sarah

Snack: cheese and vegemite grilled sandwiches
Class: International Health
Movie: tie between Pride and Prejudice, The Holy Grail and Bad Boys
City: Melbourne