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Jacqueline Huguelet Q&AJacqueline Huguelet Q&A

Jacqueline Huguelet Q&A

Dec. 19, 2003

What is your favorite volleyball-related memory?
“I would have to say beating our biggest rival Mother McAuely in two games at home my junior year in front of a standing room only gym.”

What would you be doing if you weren’t playing college volleyball?
“Probably working and just being lazy.”

What attracted you to the University of Iowa?
“I love the campus and I wanted to stay somewhat close to home. Also, my brother went here and I loved the school when I would come to visit him on the weekends.”

What is the best part about being a student-athlete at Iowa? The toughest part?
“Being able to meet all the other student athletes and having ‘sister like’ bonds with my teammates. The toughest part would have to be time management. Trying to get everything done on time and then still having to find time to just relax.”

Huguelet had a breakout performance at Minnesota with nine kills and 11 digs.

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
“To always smile, because you never know who’s watching.”

What activities/hobbies do you do in your spare time or in the off-season?
“I love to shop. I also like to swim and hang out with my friends.”

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
“I would love to live in Spain. I visited Spain this past summer and I loved the culture and the beautiful scenery.”

If you could meet anyone (past or present) whom would you want to meet?
“Brian Urlacher. What a hottie! He’s such a stud.”

Describe the perfect day, what would you do?
“Sleep in past 12 p.m. and then go shopping all day.”

What movie have you watched the most amount of times and why?
“Legally Blonde. It’s my favorite movie. I even named my dog after Elle Wood’s Brusier.”

The Huguelet File
Full Name: Jacqueline Susan Huguelet
Nickname: Jacque, Jacks, Huggs, Blondie, Jackster
Major: education
Parents: Michael and Denise
Birthday: May 15, 1985
Siblings (ages): Ginny and Mike (24, twins), Maggie (16), Kevin (13)

Food: Japanese and Italian
Restaurant: Panera or Olive Garden
Song: Salt n’ Peppa Shoop or I’ll Be
Book: Tuesday’s With Morrie
Musical Artist: Tom Petty