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Q-and-A With Stacy SchlapkohlQ-and-A With Stacy Schlapkohl
Women's Basketball

Q-and-A With Stacy Schlapkohl

Jan. 15, 2008

What was your favorite cereal to eat growing up as a child?
“My brother and I grew up eating cereal for breakfast and we always had several kinds to choose from. I would say that the cereal that is still my favorite is Frosted Flakes with frozen blueberries.”

If you could be on a reality show (past or present), which would it be?
“I have recently really enjoyed watching Dancing with the Stars and I think that would be something that would be fun to learn, and also to get in really good shape. I mean how many 6-3 women would you expect to see on that show?”

What are your plans after graduation?
“I am not sure what my plans after graduation will be… I am keeping my options open. Right now, I am just focusing on basketball and then once season is over I will be able to concentrate on my future.”

You have traveled to many places with the Hawkeyes. What trip was your favorite?
“I loved traveling to the Bahamas my freshman year over Thanksgiving. That trip sticks out the most because it was one of my first trips with the team, and we won the Junkanoo Jam Tournament. Also, nothing will ever top playing, touring, and sightseeing in Greece. It was an experience that I will never forget.”

Which celebrity would you want as your partner if you were on Dancing with the Stars?
“I have really started watching the last two seasons of Dancing with the Stars with my roommates. I don’t know that I would necessarily want a celebrity to be my partner, but I would rather dance with one of the professionals, Maksim Chmerkoyskiy.”

When was the last time you did a jigsaw puzzle and what was was the largest piece puzzle you ever finished?
“Well, I think it is now a tradition that every Christmas when I go home my mom and I put together a jigsaw puzzle in about a day. I usually do a small daily jigsaw puzzle about once every day online. As far as the largest one I’ve ever done, I can’t recall, but usually 1,000 pieces is about the average.”

What are your favorite websites to surf?
“Well, I’m not really an online shopper, but I do like to surf hawkeyesports, shockwave (where I get my daily jigsaw puzzles from), and then the occasional Facebook.”

What is your favorite type of candy?
“I was never a real candy girl. I grew up with more cookies or bars. So, I guess my favorite type of candy now would have to be Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups because I love peanut butter.”

Do you have any impulse buys when you are at the store?
“I love to buy jewelry and shoes, whether I really need them or not. You can always find an outfit to wear new jewelry or shoes with, right?”

Do you have the same personality on the court, as you do off the court?
“I am always being told that I need to be more mean and aggressive on the court, because off the court I am pretty easy going and my teammates refer to me as the team `Mom’! But, I think after four years that I definitely have a more aggressive side to me when I play than off the court.”