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John Streif to be HonoredJohn Streif to be Honored

John Streif to be Honored

April 16, 2010

IOWA CITY, IA – Longtime Iowa trainer and travel coordinator John Streif will be honored at a luncheon May 2, in Iowa City. The recognition luncheon will begin at 1 p.m. at the Iowa Memorial Union Ballroom.

Tickets ($16.75) will be sold at the door and everyone is welcome to attend. Organizers are hoping to attract coaches, student-athletes, former student athletes, trainers, physicians and, just plain old friends of John Streif, to the luncheon.

Speakers will talk about John’s contribution during his almost 40 years of service as a full-time member of the University of Iowa Athletic Department staff.

Questions concerning the event should be directed to former Hawkeye Track Coach Ted Wheeler (319-338-3857) or trainer Dan Foster (319-335-9393).