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Hawkeye Fans Set To Show Support For Norm ParkerHawkeye Fans Set To Show Support For Norm Parker

Hawkeye Fans Set To Show Support For Norm Parker

Oct. 21, 2010

IOWA CITY, Iowa – – University of Iowa football fans attending Saturday’s home contest against Wisconsin at Kinnick Stadium are encouraged to show their support for Norm Parker, Iowa’s defensive coordinator. Parker, due to health reasons, will miss his sixth straight game as the Hawkeyes take on the Badgers as part of Family Weekend on the UI campus.

Hawkeye fans are encouraged to shout “Norm” every time the Badger offense approaches the line of scrimmage for a first down play. This is suggested so that the chant does not compete with other traditions that occur at the start of each and/or random opponent third downs within Kinnick Stadium.

“The ground-swell reaction in support of Norm is yet another example of the great fan support for Iowa football, our players and coaching staff,” said Director of Athletics Gary Barta. “I want to thank our fans for their outstanding show of support for Norm as he comes closer and closer to rejoining the team. As a department, we are in full support of this fan-driven effort.”

Fans are reminded, despite the good intentions and the sentiment driving the effort for signs of support, long standing Kinnick Stadium policy prohibits signs inside the stadium for a wide variety of reasons. Fans bringing signs to the stadium will be asked to leave them at the entry gates.

As a show of support for Norm, a “Get Well Soon, NORM” card/banner will be made available Saturday by the UI athletic department for fans to sign. The card/banner will be located in the Krause Family Plaza, south of Kinnick Stadium, from 9 a.m. through kickoff, adjacent to the stage used for the Hawkeye Radio Network’s pregame show.

The contest for the Heartland Trophy, featuring two nationally ranked teams in the Hawkeyes (12/13) and Badgers (10/11) is for a 2:36 p.m. kickoff. The contest will be aired by ABC/ESPN.