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Q & A With Jordan BohannonQ & A With Jordan Bohannon
Men's Basketball

Q & A With Jordan Bohannon

University of Iowa freshman Jordan Bohannon is the son of Hawkeye quarterback Gordy (lettered in 1979 and 1981) and the fourth of the Bohannon brothers to play Division I basketball. His brothers were student-athletes at Wisconsin (Jason), Air Force and Wisconsin (Zach), and Northern Iowa (Matt). Jordan was named 2016 Iowa Mr. Basketball while playing for Linn-Mar High School.

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University of Iowa freshman Jordan Bohannon is the son of Hawkeye quarterback Gordy (lettered in 1979 and 1981) and the fourth of the Bohannon brothers to play Division I basketball. His brothers were student-athletes at Wisconsin (Jason), Air Force and Wisconsin (Zach), and Northern Iowa (Matt). Jordan was named 2016 Iowa Mr. Basketball while playing for Linn-Mar High School.

What was the dynamic like growing up with three older brothers?
A lot of back yard brawls for sure. Mom (Brenda) was always yelling at us to stop fighting. I grew up in a household where we were physical with each other, so I figure that prepared me for playing ahead of my age group growing up and coming to the Big Ten Conference.
Being the youngest, I’m sure the older brothers always took it easy on you on the court?
No. That never happened.
34532Who is the reigning Bohannon Family HORSE champion?
I would like to say me because I’m the last one playing now, but I don’t know. They always surprise me.
There is finally another Bohannon at the University of Iowa. What was it about the UI that appealed to you?
(My dad) brings up his memories and things I can learn from, some mistakes he might have made in college. It helps having someone who was already there, especially brothers who have gone through the Big Ten experience and the whole college basketball experience as well.
Did you have time for other sports?
There were a lot of sports; we played a lot of baseball and that was the main sport for us growing up. Football was there, but that wasn’t our main sport, it was mostly basketball and baseball. I was the only brother to play golf and I did that throughout high school. That was a lot of fun.
My mom was running us all over the place to practices. We didn’t have a lot of time, but when we did, we all got in the gym together and worked on our game.
What is the significance to wearing No. 3? (Gordy wore No. 11 as a Hawkeye)
I was debating between 11 and 3. I always liked 3 when I was growing up and I decided to switch things up a little bit. I was 11 all through high school, so I thought new team, new number. Why not?
What things have to happen for you to consider this a good first season?
Keep believing in myself and I know my teammates will always be there for me whenever there are negative times. We have good chemistry this year and for being together for only a couple months it’s already off the charts. That will help in the long run.
What is your first recollection of Hawkeye basketball?
I remember sitting behind (the visitor’s) bench — it was against Wisconsin — and they played at Iowa. (The fans) weren’t too fond of my brother (Jordan) at the time, but I was always a big Iowa fan and I always had good experiences with Iowa. I was happy I was able to get this opportunity.
What have your brothers said about your college choice?
They were happy for me. Obvioulsy they were rivals with Iowa most of their life, but they want to see me in a position where I was able to thrive the most and I was happy it is here.