“I love Molly Davis’ spunk and spirit,” continues Thomas. “I look forward to seeing Austin West compete in track and Marcus Morgan pitch. Those are great athletes that I know from my days as high school sports mom.”
Living in a Big Ten town has its perks, especially for sports fans.
“There is so much you only get to experience in-person,” says Adams. “At football, we had a gorgeous fall day, saw the marching band and participated in The Wave. To do that in person was special.”
Perhaps the real lesson from the Hawkeye Home Game Challenge is applicable no matter where you live.
“One of the great benefits of this is that our friendship has become much deeper and much stronger,” says Thomas.
The cross country meet in September marked just the second convening of the Home Game Challenge. When evening fell, conversation long outlasted the race.
Sitting in folding chairs, they cheered on the grounds crew pulling up stakes. The weather was beautiful. It was a fun, simple night. The sort of night that grief tells you is never coming back.
“After my husband passed in June, I sold my house and bought a condo,” says Adams. “All of the sudden in August, it was like ‘now what?’
“I am involved in my church, and I am joining Rotary International. Still, it gave me something to look forward to. It has been fun to do, and it has been great to develop our friendship. It was about always looking ahead toward new adventures.”
The spring season lies ahead, but what is next? Thomas and Adams are considering a 2024-25 tour of the arts at the University of Iowa. Preliminary proposals include Dance Gala, Hawkeye Marching Band Extravaganza, UI Theatre programs, events at Hancher Auditorium, visual arts exhibits, School of Music performances…
“I always tell people that Iowa City is a great place to raise kids,” says Adams. “You have all this wonderful stuff to do, but you can go to Hy-Vee and know the cashier or ride the bus and know the driver. It was a great place to raise kids, and they grew up going to Hawkeye games.”
Thomas looks forward to keeping the adventure going.
“We knew each other this much, and now we know each other this much,” says Thomas.
Two pinched fingers widen to become outstretched hands.
“We have a lot of similarities. We both love the Green Bay Packers and the Iowa Hawkeyes. Our friendship has grown through this experience, along with our enthusiasm for all Hawkeye teams and our niche sports knowledge.”