BEN McCOLLUM: Love the ties. Look great. You wear those for games? Good.
Hey, thanks a lot, first off, for everybody attending. Thanks to the Hawk's Nest for the cheers out there. We taught them, you know, hey, we can't just clap. We gotta stand up, we gotta get it lit. So we gotta make sure we do that at games in Carver.
First off, I want to thank Beth for taking the chance on me essentially and giving me opportunity to come home to the University of Iowa. You know, Iowa City, I was born here; I lived here for four, five, six years of my life and have cheered for the Hawkeyes for a long time, and now I get to be a part of their success, and I couldn't be more excited. My family is excited. And we want to bring this back to the championship culture that we think we can build here at the University of Iowa.
I also want to thank President Wilson. I was fortunate to kind of meet her via Zoom for a split second, and she happened to turn the camera around and she had a bunch of fishing poles. Her husband is a fisherman, so hopefully he'll take me fishing. But I certainly appreciate her allowing Beth to come out and hire the coach that she wanted and be patient with that process as well.
My family, my wife -- you know, a long time ago I got into this profession, I actually went to school to get a finance degree and was supposed to go to Kansas City to work with my wife, and at the time we were engaged, and I can remember I had a semester left, and she had moved to Kansas City to be with me. And I called her about, oh, I was probably about a month into that first semester, or the last semester of school, and I said, man, I don't know if I want to go into the financial world. I think I want to be a coach.
Oh, really? She said, so you're not moving to Kansas City right now?
I said, nah, I think I want to coach.
She goes, okay, well, as long as it's your passion. So I spent two more years as a graduate assistant. But she stuck with me through all that, and look where we're at now. And she's been a big part of that.
My three kids, obviously, Peyton, Tate and Grace, this has been a long journey. Coaching is a very difficult profession, and it's very difficult on your families, but it's very rewarding on top of it. And they've stuck with it. Obviously a second move in a year, and I couldn't appreciate them more. So thank you to my family.
Specific to the past schools that I had, Drake University, obviously I came from there. Brian Hardin gave me my first chance at the Division I level, and I'm forever grateful to Drake and everything that they've done, the fans, the support. I felt like we poured our heart into that place.
Northwest Missouri State gave me my start, Dr. Bob Boerigter and all the people there that really supported everything in our journey. So thankful for them as well.
Also, to the people of the past that have grown the program. I grew up in the Tom Davis days when they used to press, get up and down. You saw Chris Street on the ball flying around. They'd get steals, and I can rattle off half their teams' names, and going to Hawkeye camps.
There's a lot of great coaches that have helped grow this: Lute Olson, Tom Davis, obviously George Raveling and Fran McCaffery on top of that. So I certainly appreciate everything they've done for the University of Iowa, and hopefully it's in good hands right now and we can bring championships to the University of Iowa and Hawkeye Nation.
To the past players, you're who I idolized. I mean, that's who I watched growing up was the past players for the University of Iowa, all the way back from B.J. Armstrong. I could rattle off -- I'm just like, Wade Lookingbill, Val Barnes, Mon'Ter Glasper. These are just the random names. Acie Earl, obviously Chris Street. So I can just rattle off a bunch of them and obviously the ones that just came.
I always dreamed of playing for the Hawkeyes, and I just wasn't good enough. So I didn't get to play for them, but now I get to coach them and hopefully bring success here.
How are our teams going to look? You know, I was just talking to -- I think I was talking to Beth, and I recall, it's vivid in my mind, and most of you have seen it, I grew up seeing it, and have you ever seen Chris Street play? Like just with the intensity, the energy, the effort, the enthusiasm, the joy, the servant mentality, the toughness. Everything that Iowa stands for is what our team is going to look like.
From an Xs and Os standpoint, obviously I think we'll be good there, too, but most importantly, when you watch our team and we go on the road in the Big Ten or we go on the road to other games, I want you to be proud of how our kids act, how they compete, how they love each other, how they serve each other. That, to me, has still and will remain the most important thing.
My objective is to make better husbands, better fathers, better citizens, and that's what I'll do here at the University of Iowa through the game of basketball and try to make the State of Iowa proud.
In taking this job, I've always felt like you needed to take a job that you can win championships and compete for them on a consistent level. Beth Goetz has given me that opportunity and given resources to make sure that we can do just that, and that's our goal is to get Carver-Hawkeye Arena filled back up, to create an environment where other fans want to come and to be the best venue in the State of Iowa. And we're going to fight for that. We're going to compete for that. We've done that at other schools, and hopefully we can do that here.
We do need everyone else. So when we walk in and we see the Hawk's Nest, I appreciate everyone that came. We want even more, and we want it louder, and we want you to be a part of building this thing.
Just myself, just a few players, just a few coaches, that's not what it takes. It takes everybody in here. It takes everybody in Iowa City. It takes everybody in the State of Iowa. And we want you to be a part of that build, and we want to fight for that every single day, and we want to see you out supporting.
One thing we can start with -- I don't see a ton of the players -- is see if we can get Pryce, Cooper, Josh, see if we can get them some support as well, maybe just text them or tweet them or anything like that and get them excited about coming back to the University of Iowa and making this thing grow. That would be good support to start.
We want to create that home court advantage, which is something that we have done before. We want to do that here and create a level of excitement for everybody at Iowa and get it to what I remember when I walked into Carver, and again, loud, full crowds and get it to that point.
Again, I'm blessed, man. I appreciate everything. I appreciate the people that have taken a risk on me. I'm thankful for that every single day. I'll make sure to not take this for granted. I'm going to fight for Iowa, and we're going to get this thing going again. (Applause).
Q. Coach, I wanted to ask you about how you're going to build this team. What did you learn last year from having to build from scratch the lessons of portaling, and what did you learn positively and negatively from that experience?
BEN McCOLLUM: Positively first, tough kids win. Connected groups win. Groups that serve each other win. Kids that work with a level of humility win. And that hasn't changed. So with the portal you have to make sure you can identify those intangible talents very early, because the physical gifts are pretty easy to identify.
But as you see throughout the portal, some of the teams that may spend the most money or on paper may have the most talent don't necessarily win because they're not a connected group.
So for us what I've learned from Drake is that don't overthink, just because somebody is getting a lot of money here, that he's a better fit for what you do. And so we continue to trust our own eyes at Drake, took people that we thought could really help build and sustain a culture so that we can continue success into the future.
Here at Iowa, same concept. I think it's obviously at a higher level. You do have to take certain transfers, but again, that goes with Hawkeyes making sure that we try to retain some of the kids that are wanting to go into the portal right now and do it quickly.
And, again, so I've said, it takes everybody. It takes everybody to get those kids back. Like that's what it's going to take, and that's what we want, because they're tough kids and they're Iowa and they'll be great for us.
You know, it's the same thing that I learned at Northwest Missouri State. You can't complicate winning. Like it is what it is. It's the same thing, kids that serve each other love each other.
Q. I wanted to ask you about how Steve Tappmeyer shaped you as a coach in your coaching philosophy and what you took away from him when you played for him at Northwest Missouri State and maybe what you learned about leadership from Mel Tjeerdsma when you worked under him when he was the athletic director and football coach at Northwest Missouri State?
BEN McCOLLUM: Yeah, a lot of people don't know those names here, but those with DII legends right there.
Coach Tappmeyer, I played for him. It was funny -- I played for a guy at NIACC, and I should have mentioned his name. He's one of the only players to ever play a Final Four with two different teams. Does anybody know the answer to that? Yeah, Special K, Steve Krafcisin. So I played for him at junior college. Awesome coach. Went to Northwest Missouri State -- this will answer your question -- Steve Tappmeyer. And I walked in -- I always was like second and third place my whole career. Couldn't get to first. And I'm like, man, I'm close, I'm close. I just couldn't get over that hump.
I walked into one of their weight sessions and conditioning sessions, and I'm looking around, and I'm like, this is first place. This is what it feels like. And he taught me the shocking difference between first and second. And he goes, second to tenth, it's right there. But first place cultures and first place people are way up here. And he taught me the culture. He taught me how to be ready every single day. And from an Xs and Os standpoint, defensively, he taught me that, and he remains a mentor as well.
Mel Tjeerdsma, he won a lot of national titles in football, and from a leadership perspective -- but I remember one day he came in and I said, man, I'm really having trouble with this, and I had a lot of anxiety about it, and a young coach. And he goes, ah, don't really worry about it. I said, you're not really worried about it? Are you crazy?
He said, hey, let me tell you something, Ben. We are both wired differently. It doesn't make you any better or worse than me. So it was kind of profound advice that, hey, the way you do things is the way you need to continue to do things. Just because I'm this way doesn't mean you should be that way. So both of them have had a big impact on my career.
Q. Ben, regarding the way you guys played this year, I know it's been different with all your teams regarding how you approach tempo and such like that, but what I'm curious about is how you get players to buy in to playing good defense, but also not high tempo? I mean a lot of teams like to emphasize tempo maybe as opposed to efficiency, like I know is important for you.
BEN McCOLLUM: So efficiency is number one. I think from an offensive perspective, you want to be efficient. Why do you want to be efficient? Because you can set your defense.
So if I put the ball in the basket more times and you have to take it out of bounds, I can set my defense. If I take a good shot and get you in rotation, I can get an offensive rebound.
So shot selection and the ability to get quality shots equals efficiency, which allows your defense to set, which allows you to play good defense.
Why this year we didn't have the shooting that our teams at Northwest Missouri State had. So, for instance, some of those teams would have five guys on the floor at a time that were 40-plus percent and one or two that could shoot 50 percent, from three. And so from an efficiency perspective, we were always top five in the country at all levels consistently.
Do we want to play slow? You know, slow to me is low-possession games would be better, because it's popping, it's moving. We just didn't have enough shooting to get a good shot that quick. But I tell you what we did win. I would say the greatest plaque that NCAA used to send you these statistics plaques. They'd used to send you like effective field goal percentage, fewest turnovers and these big plaques, and one year I got the greatest plaque of all, and it was a plaque of "led the NCAA in wins." That's what I always felt like you should coach your team to is trying to win.
But from an offensive perspective, yeah, I would prefer to play faster. I would say probably middle of the pack is usually where our teams would sit.
But we're going to make sure that we play the best way that our personnel has success, and that's just what it was this year. But we'll always play defense. Yeah.
Q. I read that you were impressed by "The Art of War" and that you're a big believer in imposing your will. If that's so, could you expound on that?
BEN McCOLLUM: That's a deep question. It is. Impose your will is every program that we've had is our motto. I think our first or second year at Northwest I had these huge packets. It actually was stolen from a team in the Big Ten -- I won't name names -- from their football program. And I thought, man, this is like all this cool stuff.
And I kind of realized about two seasons in that they weren't paying attention to any of it because it was just too much information. So I'm like, what's my favorite, like what can permeate the whole program. So we just put one sheet in their little binders, and it was "impose your will." And so our intention is to impose your will on everything that we do. So defensively we want to tell you what to do. Offensively we'll try to tell the defense what to do.
And so, more importantly, though, imposing your will also trends towards like an official's call. So if I get upset with an official making a bad call, right, that call is imposing its will on me. But if I continue to play and move on to the next play, now I'm imposing my will on that call and just continuing to that next play.
And so we try to have it permeate our whole program. It's just an attack mentality, creates that level of urgency that we need. And in the weight room, impose your will on those weights. In conditioning impose your will in that. And that's us -- it's not a bully mentality because we say bully the bullies, but it's impose your will, the short version.
Q. I want to ask you about scheduling. So obviously first time at a high major program. What is your approach to nonconference scheduling, November tournaments, and then having coached at Drake for a year, is there any interest in resuming the UNI-Drake rivalries?
BEN McCOLLUM: Good question. I would say scheduling wise, you want to put yourself in the best position, one, to have your team be at their best in March. So if you need -- that specific team, if they need to play a top-tier team, then you schedule that. If you need to play a bunch of teams that are not quite as good to build confidence, then you do that. So you schedule with that in mind first.
The second part of that is you need to schedule to make the NCAA Tournament. So obviously there's the net rankings, and there's a lot of mathematics that go into that. Obviously your Quad 4s is, you beat a bunch of Quad 4s by a lot of points, going on the road versus a Quad 3 or Quad 2 doesn't make a lot of sense just from an analytic standpoint to be able to make that NCAA Tournament.
Specific to Drake or UNI, good question. I don't know on that. It probably depends on if that allows us to make the NCAA Tournament better.
Now, there are some unique situations that you will play, just because it's fun for the fans, and that might be number three as well. I'm not afraid of those either.
Q. You mentioned some of the transfers that are in the portal right now. I'm curious to know if you've made contact with any of those and what your confidence level is about getting those guys to return to the team?
BEN McCOLLUM: I have. Depends on if we can get some of these Hawkeyes on them, too. I think we just need to make them understand that it is home and that we're coming back out to support them and we're going to fight for it.
How cool would it be for some of them to be a part of -- obviously they finished towards the bottom, but now moving up towards the top, and they're the reason for the change. Like that to me is as cool as it gets. And that's our sell to them. And we're going to continue down that path, and we're going to fight for them to maintain and be, because they're loved here. We love our Hawkeyes. We love Iowa. And we want them to stay. I feel like it's going good, but I don't know. We'll find out here.
Q. I know you got the sport coat on right now, but typically on the court you're going dress shirt and tie. Could you remind me why that's the choice of fashion for you? And just seemed like it was a medium for you to connect with the fanbase at Drake. So how did that all come together?
BEN McCOLLUM: I used to wear different colored ties and shirts and pants, and then I realized I was terrible at matching. So I went to the white shirt and tie. And then when everyone else kind of went to the like casual look, I always thought in every other profession and like our level of coaches, we make a lot of money, right? And other people in professions have to dress with a level of professionalism. And I'm not saying other coaches are unprofessional, because my assistants don't wear that, and I think they're very professional. But I've always thought that that's what I needed to wear to act like a pro; and just my thought, my theory. Just because everybody else has to do the same thing that's in other professions. That's why I do it. And then it just becomes comfortable, and then you get superstitious. Then you wear the same color every day and then it's a problem. But, yeah, it looks good.
Q. For players who weren't on the Iowa roster that are in the portal right now, what's your recruitment pitch to them?
BEN McCOLLUM: You know, one, it's the University of Iowa. Like I think it's a big deal. I think it's pretty cool to be here. I love the campus. I love everything surrounding it. I love the support. I love the fans. I've been around it my whole life. So you sell that, number one.
Two, the relationships that we're going to have with them is a dig deal. So we sell the people. So we'll sell the people that -- my assistants, my staff. We'll sell anyone that's in the program at that point.
And, three, just making sure that they understand we've won a lot, and if you want to be infected with some of those winning characteristics that we can bring to the table, this is where you should be. And if you want to go somewhere else for a certain amount of whatever, then go do that. But we're going to make you better.
The last thing is is with our recruiting pitches, I always tell kids, like don't necessarily go to the school that always wants you the most -- and this may not make sense -- meaning some schools recruit differently than others, some people just surround the kids and they're just like I want you, I want you, I want you. Well, you want them for their "talent," which, yeah, that's true. There's certain people that I want for their talent as well. But, more importantly, I want them because I see their talent, and I feel like we can make it that much better. So choose a school that does the most for you. And Iowa offers that with our coaching, with the university itself. Like we can change kids' lives. And so we want them to choose, essentially selfishly, by coming to the University of Iowa.