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Iowa Rowing Goes To MilwaukeeIowa Rowing Goes To Milwaukee
Women's Rowing

Iowa Rowing Goes To Milwaukee

Sept. 15, 2004

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THIS WEEK: The University of Iowa rowing team will travel to Milwaukee, WI to compete in the 2004 Milwaukee River Challenge. Competition will begin at 11 a.m. Saturday, September 18.

THE COMPETITION: Men’s and women’s collegiate and club rowers from around the midwest will compete on a 2.2 mile course on the Milwaukee River. Iowa will be competing against Wisconsin, Northwestern, Purdue, Murray State, Marquette and Lawrence.

RACE FORMAT: The race will consist of two races in opposite directions over the same water. Each race will be separately timed with the lowest combined time being the grand winner.

BIG TEN CHAMPIONSHIPS: The Hawkeyes finished sixth at the Big Ten Championships May 1 in Iowa City. Iowa’s First Varsity 8 took second in the Petite Final, and sixth overall, with a time of 7:01.5. Iowa’s Second Varsity 8, First Varsity 4, and Second Varsity 4 all finished second in the Petite final. The 2V8+ timed a 7:14.5, 1V4+ timed an 8:08 and the 2V4+ finished in a time of 8:35.4.

HEAD COACH: Mandi Kowal is in her 11th year as head coach of the Hawkeyes. Her most recent acccomplishments include leading Iowa to the NCAA Championship meet three of the past seven years. Kowal was a two-time rowing World Champion in the Women’s Lightweight Four without coxswain in 1986 and 1987. She was named “Female Athlete of the Year” in 1987 by the US Rowing Association and was inducted into the United States Rowing Hall of Fame in 1997.