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Travel Tips

Sept. 6, 2005

Fans of the Iowa Hawkeyes making the trek to Ames Saturday for this year’s battle on the gridiron for the Cy-Hawk Trophy are reminded that game time is set for 2:30 p.m. at Jack Trice Stadium on the Iowa State University campus.

ISU officials have asked that the following information be shared with fans making their own game plan for game day. If you’re among the lucky fans of the Hawkeyes who were able to access one of the 4,000 tickets made available to the UI by Iowa State for sale to fans of the Hawkeyes, a quick review of the following will help you avoid traffic snarls and arrive at the game safely.

Ease on down the road
The big game has been marked on your calendar for months, so what’s a couple more hours? Allow yourself plenty of time (and a little patience) to get to Ames, says Frank Randall, ISU assistant athletic director for event management. “Add two hours to your normal travel time,” Randall advises. “That should ensure enough time to get inside the stadium in time for the 2:30 p.m. kickoff.”

Take the roads less traveled…please
About 80,000 fans are expected to gather in and around the stadium, and many of them know only one way to get there – the Elwood Drive exit off Highway 30. Taking that route to the biggest game of the year is sure to create a bottleneck. Avoid delays and alleviate frustration by using other routes:

? 13th Street exit off Interstate 35

Go west on 13th Street, proceed two miles to Grand Avenue, and take a left. Proceed to Lincoln Way. Take a right on Lincoln Way to Elwood Drive; then turn left.

? Duff Avenue exit off Highway 30

Head north on Duff, proceed to South 16th Street, and take a left. Continue west on South 16th Street and follow to Elwood Drive.

? South Dakota exit off Highway 30

Heading west, this is the fourth of the five Ames exits off Highway 30. Driving east, it is the second Ames exit.) Turn south onto South Dakota. Head north to Mortensen Road, then turn right onto Mortensen. Proceed east on Mortensen to Elwood Drive.

Picnic on campus and walk to the game
You can park for free in any general staff lot on the ISU campus on Saturdays. This does not apply to handicapped parking spaces, 24-hour reserved spaces or loading zones, and regular rates apply at the Memorial Union parking ramp.

Travel light
Stadium gates open at 12:30 p.m., two hours before the game. You’ll get into the game much more quickly carrying nothing but a ticket. Avoid bringing bags and purses – the necessary bag checks slow entrance into the stadium.

All lots open at 8:30 a.m., six hours before the game. The majority of public parking is located east of Elwood Drive. No overnight parking is allowed. Parking is limited. Parking rates for cars, pickups and SUVs in public lots range from $8 to $10. Buses, RVs and other oversized vehicles are charged $20 to $30.

Stuffed furniture, glass containers and kegs are NOT allowed in any lot. Fires must be contained within a grill.

Public lots (handicapped parking)
Parking for persons with disabilities is in Lot S-3, immediately south of the stadium. Vehicles must have a handicap parking permit issued by the Department of Transportation. Entrance is available via Elwood Drive.

National Cyclone Club
National Cyclone Club parking is located directly adjacent and to the north of the stadium. Vehicles must have a parking permit to enter reserved areas. Donor RVs and buses must park in Lot D-4 or S-8.

Media parking is in Lot S-2, immediately south of the stadium. Vehicles must have a parking permit to enter reserved areas. Entrance is available via Beach Avenue. Media will-call is at the ticket trailer at Gate 3.

The game is sold out. Public will-call opens at 9 a.m. at the ticket office on the northwest side of the stadium. Tickets will be checked at the gate and within the stadium. Buyer beware – if your ticket was not purchased through The University of Iowa or Iowa State University, you may have a fraudulent ticket and could be subject to expulsion from the game.

NOT allowed in Jack Trice Stadium

? Alcohol
? Video cameras
? Coolers
? Chairs
? Seat cushions
? Strollers
? Bottles
? Cans
? Whole fruit
